Meet our Digital Scholars Fellows for 2019-2020!

In Featured by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

The three digital scholars fellows are incredible educators already but will receive further guidance to develop innovative educators and build a career of strong digital identity. Here is what they will be up to this year!

Digital Scholars Fellows
Matthew J Douma

Matthew J Douma MN RN ENC(C) CCN(C) CNCC(C)


Matthew will be focusing his CanadiEM Digital Scholar Fellowship on creating a home for emergency nursing and EMS related content (though the content will likely be of interest to our physician colleagues as well) under the banner CanadiEN (emergency nursing). Mirroring the existing content templates and processes, CanadiEN will provide bedside focused clinical tips, evidence reviews and educational best practices. Our primary audience will be Canadian emergency nurses and paramedics, though the content may eventually achieve global reach. Matthew has a strong relationship with the Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing, which will hopefully allow for cross-pollination of content. 

Digital Scholars Fellows
S. Luckett-Gatopoulos

S. Luckett-Gatopoulos MD, MSc, FRCPC

Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Western University
Assistant Professor, Paediatric Emergency Medicine
McMaster University

Luckett is thrilled to be joining the Digital Scholar Fellows Program this year. She is an emergency physician in London, Ontario, and a paediatric emergency physician in Hamilton, Ontario. She holds academic appointments at Western University and McMaster University. Luckett will be focussing on developing skills in podcasting, with the aim of creating an audio archive of Western University’s Journal Club. She hopes the fellowship will facilitate creating a compelling and accessible reference for learners who want to stay up to date on current literature in Emergency Medicine.

Digital Scholars Fellows
Patrick Boreskie

Patrick Boreskie MD, BSc, FRCPC Candidate


Patrick is a PGY4 Chief Resident in Emergency Medicine at the University of Manitoba. He has a particular interest in knowledge translation, communication, and leadership. He hopes to use the CanadiEM Digital Scholars Fellows program to bring a more obvious online presence to Manitoba’s emergency medicine residency and to implement quality improvement projects centring on care for the elderly. While learning from mentor leaders in the Free Open Access Medical education movement, he will also be learning how to create a website and maintain a medical social media program.

To learn more about the Digital Scholars Fellowship click here!

This post was uploaded by Evan Formosa (@EvanFormosa).

Fareen Zaver MD

Fareen Zaver is an Emergency Physician based in Calgary. She is the Co-Director for the CanadiEM Digital Scholars Fellowship and is the Lead Editor/Co-Founder of ALiEM Approved Instructional Resources - Professional (AIR-Pro) series

Kevin Junghwan Dong

Kevin Dong is an Emergency Medicine physician in Hamilton, Ontario. His interests include medical education, mentorship, and producing video/podcasts. He completed the Digital Scholar Fellowship in 2019 and he is currently the CanadiEM Director of Multimedia.