CAEP 2021: Recent EM Literature and Global EM Tracks

In Featured by Hans RosenbergLeave a Comment

This is the third episode of our CanadiEM’s podcast series in collaboration with CAEP 2021. Today’s episode is hosted by Dr. Hans Rosenberg, who is joined by two track chairs to discuss some of the awesome talks planned for CAEP 2021 conference, CAEP at the Forks: Rising to the Challenge! Tune in to learn all about the Recent Emergency Medicine Literature, and Global Emergency Medicine Tracks.

Our Guests

Dr. Ken Milne is an emergency physician and host of the Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine Podcast. He is also the Recent EM Literature Track Chair, which features an international award-winning panel of speakers: Dr. Lauren Westafer, Dr. Samina Ali, and Dr. Kirsty Challen! Tune in to learn about some recent EM papers, and develop critical appraisal skills! For more information, check out the CAEP 21 Recent EM Literature program.

Dr. Caroline Kowal is a emergency physician and previous chair of the CAEP Global EM committee. She is also the Global EM Track Co-Chair, along with Dr. Amanda Collier. This track features a lecture from Dr. Richard Kojan, a Congolese physician, and his experiences with the ebola epidemic and creating a portable, biosecure emergency care unit. The second part includes an international panel outlining their outstanding research in Global EM. For more information, check out the CAEP 21 Global EM program.

CAEP at the Forks: Rising to the Challenge

When is it?
The conference coming soon – June 15-17, 2021!

Where is it?
This virtual conference is hosted by the organizers at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg in collaboration with educators from all over Canada. Because of its virtual nature, you can tune in from the comfort of your own home!

How can I register? 
Make sure to register as soon as possible at 

What can you do now to prepare?
1. Go to the website and register for the conference.
2. If you are not a CAEP member – get a membership! So many perks!
3. Continue to listen to this amazing promotional CAEPConference Podcast #CAEP21
4. Follow CAEPConference Twitter Account for regular updates pre and during the conference! @caepconference

This post was uploaded by Andy Tolmie

Hans Rosenberg

Hans Rosenberg

Hans Rosenberg is the Director of Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination Program and Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa
Hans Rosenberg

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Kevin Junghwan Dong

Kevin Junghwan Dong

Kevin Dong is an Emergency Medicine physician in Hamilton, Ontario. His interests include medical education, mentorship, and producing video/podcasts. He completed the Digital Scholar Fellowship in 2019 and he is currently the CanadiEM Director of Multimedia.