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The CAEP Daily: Day 2 (June 16)

In Featured, Podcast by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

This year, CanadiEM has partnered with the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, EMOttawa, and the Skeptic’s Guide to Emergency Medicine to help promote #CAEP21: CAEP at the Forks – Rising to the Challenge. From June 15-17, 2021 we will be publishing The CAEP Daily, a journalistic summary of highlights from the conference. Please join the discussion! [bg_faq_start] Today’s Plenary Speakers: Emergency Medicine is a Failed Paradigm for the Care of the Critically Ill: …

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Virtual Retreat 2020: The Future of CanadiEM

In Editorial by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

On August 24, 2020 CanadiEM held its first ever virtual retreat. The goal was to conduct a formal needs assessment. In doing so, we can think about the direction of the organization and blog and to map out a vision for the future of CanadiEM. We also aimed to build connections with our members who are distributed around Canada and internationally, especially since in-person gatherings like conferences have been cancelled in light of …

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“Help us help you” – Soliciting Feedback in the ED

In All Posts, Education & Quality Improvement, Mentorship by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

We’ve all heard the adage that practice makes perfect and to become an expert you must complete 10 000 hours of deliberate practice​1​. This involves motivated, goal oriented, purposeful practice with periodic feedback. Feedback is critical to allow for growth from where you currently are as a clinical clerk to where you want to be as future practicing physician​2​. Even with extensive deliberate practice, you will plateau without guidance and identification of areas …

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Tiny Tips: OSTRICH as a differential for acute monoarthritis

In Tiny Tips by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

Acute monoarthritis is a common complaint in the emergency department. The differential for acute monoarthritis is broad. A delay in proper diagnosis and treatment of certain etiologies can result in significant morbidity.​1,2​ The evaluation of a patient with acute monoarthritis should begin with a focused history and physical exam which will guide further laboratory and radiographic studies. With a history of trauma or focal bony pain, radiography can be useful to rule out …

Meet our Digital Scholars Fellows for 2019-2020!

In Featured by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

The three digital scholars fellows are incredible educators already but will receive further guidance to develop innovative educators and build a career of strong digital identity. Here is what they will be up to this year! Matthew J Douma MN RN ENC(C) CCN(C) CNCC(C) Matthew will be focusing his CanadiEM Digital Scholar Fellowship on creating a home for emergency nursing and EMS related content (though the content will likely be of interest …

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CAEP FEI | The CanadiEM Digital Scholars Program

In Featured, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

Amy is a third year emergency medicine resident who loves listening to podcasts when she runs. She realizes that she loves using a variety of digital media to enhance her learning. Amy wonders if there is a fellowship opportunity where she can become a leader in digital scholarship. One of her supervisors asks her if she has heard of the CanadiEM Digital Scholars Program.  With the advent of free open access medical education …