Help wanted! CanadiEM Editorial Team is searching for 3 new members

In Featured by Brent ThomaLeave a Comment

The CanadiEM Team is expanding! We have a lot of projects on the go and several more in the works. We are seeking 3 new members: one to help with a new pediatric emergency medicine series and two to assist with the behind-the-scenes management of the blog.

  • TREKK Series Junior Editor: CanadiEM has entered an informal partnership with TREKK (TRanslating Emergency Knowledge for Kids) to write a series of articles on pediatric topics. Working with a senior editor, the TREKK Series Editor would write monthly posts translating the previously published TREKK guidelines. The ideal candidate would be a pediatric or emergency medicine resident with an interested in pediatric emergency medicine, or a pediatric emergency medicine resident.
  • Junior Managing Editors: CanadiEM receives a substantial number of contributions from outside of our core editorial and authorship team. These pieces go through a copy-editing and editorial review process before being uploaded and formatted for the CanadiEM website. We are seeking two new members of our team to assist with the uploading process. Once this has been mastered there will be substantial opportunity to help with other aspects of the management (and writing, if interested) of content for CanadiEM. The ideal candidate would be a tech-savvy medical student or junior resident with an eye for design and editing.

If you are interested in these positions, please send a copy of your CV and a brief (<250 word) summary of your experience and interest in the positions to [email protected] by May 15th, 2016.

Dr. Brent Thoma is a medical educator, blogging geek, and trauma/emergency physician who works at the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine. He founded BoringEM and is the CEO of CanadiEM.