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Addiction Medicine in the Emergency Department: A Needs Assessment Survey of Emergency Medicine Providers

In Uncategorized by Ian JonesLeave a Comment

In the Emergency Department, we frequently care for patients with substance use disorders. With visits increasing and an opioid crisis, providing high quality care for patients struggling with substance use disorder has never been more important. As Emergency Medicine providers we have a unique opportunity for intervention, as many of our patients are faced with barriers to accessing primary care. Despite the importance of this topic, many Emergency Medicine providers feel they don’t have …

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CanadiEM Advertisements: What do you think?

In Featured, Uncategorized by Brent ThomaLeave a Comment

Hello CanadiEM readers. You may have noticed some changes to the website this week. Specifically, the presence of advertisements on our pages. Since CanadiEM was founded at the beginning of 2016 we’ve largely resisted the urge to incorporate advertisements. However, as we’ve grown (we are now receiving >2,000,000 pageviews annually), so have our costs. This has strained our usual method of accessing funding through grants and, if not addressed, would limit our ability …

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We welcome ERMentor, Nadim Lalani, to CanadiEM!

In Featured, Uncategorized by Brent Thoma1 Comment

Dr. Nadim Lalani has been a member of the FOAM (Free Open Access Medical education) movement longer than most. He was one of the folks around that bar table in Dublin when the term FOAM was coined and had one of the earlier websites, Back when I was a little 2nd year resident I recall him telling me about this “Life in the Fast Lane” blog that I just “had to follow.” I recall …

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BoringEM in Review: An end and a new beginning

In Uncategorized by Brent ThomaLeave a Comment

Dear BoringEM Readers, When I started this website as a struggling resident three short years ago I never dreamed that it would grow into what it is today. At the end of 2015 BoringEM has published 200 posts from 50 authors and receives an average of >1,200 hits per day. Its success over the past three years has been the result of the hard work of our editorial team (Drs. Teresa Chan, S Luckett-Gatopolous, and Eve Purdy), advisory …

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Five reasons to head to SMACC

In Uncategorized by Eve Purdy

I had the complete pleasure of attending smaccGOLD last year. I wrote about what made it such a rich experience here and I have been anticipating SMACC Chicago since my flight left Brisbane last March. I am helping coordinate the SMACC Junior (student) contingent this year. Let’s just say it is a VERY student friendly conference. So friendly, in fact, that there are bursaries available to support travel and competitions are running for free registration! Find out more info here. There are …