It’s the end of the year, and that makes everyone naturally reflective and interested in looking backwards and forwards at the same time. As Brent Thoma has noted, the last six months at BoringEM have been particularly fruitful, and we’ve had a lot of successes and learned a lot of lessons! That said, there’s always room for more growth… So, we’d like to ask you for some help. The survey below is super quick, …
Happy Holidays from BoringEM
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from BoringEM! With the holiday season is upon us, I want to take a moment to thank our writers and editors for the exceptional work that they have done over the past year and our readers for making all of that work worthwhile.
#CanFOAMed goes SMACC
It’s certainly an exciting time for Social Media teachers and learners. The Social Media And Critical Care conference (#smaccUS) is coming to North America, and it’s been generating quite a buzz on our Twitter feeds this past week. Digging into the conference program, we see quite a few Canadian superstars are helping out in the conference: Pat Crosskerry Sara Gray Andrew Healey Chris Hicks David Juurlink Sarah Luckett-Gatopoulos Ken Milne (a.k.a. The SGEM, …
Medical Education at the ICRE Social Media Summit
On October 22, 2014, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) hosted the world’s first Social Media (SoMe) Summit in Health Professional Education in Toronto, ON, Canada. This conference preceded the annual International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE). Eve Purdy, Heather Murray, Brent Thoma and I were very excited to take part in this event, especially since our online #FOAMed and #MedEd heroes were all participating: Michelle Lin (@M_Lin) – The mastermind behind …
Thank-you from the
Hey everyone, This is Teresa Chan writing on behalf of the BoringEM team to wish everyone a very happy Canadian thanksgiving today! We would like to thank all of our readers for their clicks, follows, reads, and shares. It has been very exciting to help to grow this blog in these past few months. First, I would also like to thank our fearless leader, Dr. Brent Thoma, without whom BoringEM would not exist. We are …
Introducing our Newest Teammate: Sarah Luckett-Gatopoulos, BoringEM Junior Resident Editor
Dear BoringEM readers, We’re proud to announce more changes for BoringEM. (I know, such exciting moves for our “boring” little site!) We’ve been actively reinvigorating our site’s organizational structure to become a multi-author, academic, #FOAMed blog. We hope by having a larger team it will increase our sustainability and bring more frequent high-quality content to you, our reader. As such, we have been recruiting new team members. It is my pleasure to announce …