Case Report: Parkour aftermath – Andy’s fall from height in The Office

In Case Series, Featured by Denise Wooding1 Comment

History A 36-year-old male with no medical conditions was brought to the ED by ambulance after a one-story fall in a workplace parkour incident at the Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company. While it’s debatable if the awkward leapfrogging preceding the incident could be considered parkour, Jim explains that the goal of parkour is “to get from point A to point B as creatively as possible, so technically they are doing parkour as long as point …

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Case Report: Airway Management of Penetrating Neck Trauma in the Game of Thrones

In Case Series, Featured, Medical Concepts by Will WuLeave a Comment

Patient Presentation On a cold winter’s day in Winterfell, a middle-aged man by the name of Lord Baelish was stood in front of the Northern and Vale lords to answer for his crimes. His cunning and deceitful nature nature has finally led to his demise. After taking back the North from Lord Ramsay Bolton, Lady Sansa Stark was prepared to punish Lord Baelish for years of lies, betrayals, and murders. Lady Arya of …

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Priapism Case Report: Robert De Niro’s Hard Situation in “Little Fockers”.

In Case Series, Medical Concepts by Anna BlackLeave a Comment

CASE PRESENTATION: Jack Byrnes, a 62-year-old Caucasian male, presented to the ER with a persistent, painful, 8-hour erection following the off-label use of Sustengo, a novel PDE5 inhibitor. Jack reports that he found a box of Sustengo samples among his son-in-law’s belongings and decided to try one. When his son-in-law discovered what had happened, he urged Jack to go to the ER. Jack refused and insisted that his son-in-law, a nurse, manage the …

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Case Report: Johnny English’s Blunt Scrotal Trauma

In All Posts, Case Series, Medical Concepts by Anna BlackLeave a Comment

CASE PRESENTATION Johnny English, a 42-year-old previously healthy male, presents to the ER with a 3-hour history of pain and swelling localized to the scrotum. He is systemically well and denies lower urinary tract or gastrointestinal symptoms. Upon further questioning, Johnny tells a bizarre story about saving the world by chasing a traitorous MI7 agent through the Swiss Alps and then fighting him to the death. English explains that during their fight he …

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A “Friends” Case Report – Joey’s Urolithiasis

In Case Series, Featured by Anna BlackLeave a Comment

Presentation Joey Tribbiani, a previously healthy 28-year-old male, presents to the ED with left-sided flank pain. In the past 12 hours, he has had four 20-minute episodes of sudden onset, severe left flank pain radiating to the groin. During these episodes he was unable to find a comfortable position. He felt nauseous and had one episode of emesis. He denies hematuria and any lower urinary tract, gastrointestinal, or respiratory symptoms. He reports no …

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Case Report: Penetrating Chest Trauma in the Game of Thrones

In Case Series, Medical Concepts by Will WuLeave a Comment

This is the 4th episode of the Game of Thrones case series examining penetrating chest trauma. Be sure to review Hypothermia and Traumatic Arrest in Game of Thrones, Toxin-Induced Cardiac Arrest in Game of Thrones and Pregnancy and Trauma in Game of Thrones. This post contains spoilers from Game of Thrones Season 8! Patient Presentation and History A 23-year-old female was seen unresponsive with a single penetrating wound to the left anterior chest. …