CAEP Conference + CanadiEM Special Podcast – Ep 2 – Introducing Track Chairs

In Featured, Podcast by Hans RosenbergLeave a Comment

CAEP Conference + CanadiEM Promotions Team collaborate to bring you our second podcast episode!

In this collaboration CAEP Conference promotions podcast episode #2 – We introduce some of our amazing track chairs from the conference. They discuss their guest speakers and some of the awesome content they will be hosting at their respective tracks!

CAEP Conference 2021 : CAEP at the ForksRising to the Challenge

When: June 15-17
Where: Virtual Conference (Winnipeg is our virtual host!)
How to register:

Track Chairs – Tracks:

Dr. Brandon Ritcey – Procedures
Dr. Hasan Sheikh – Advocacy and Public Affairs: Leading System-Wide Change as an Emergency Physician
Dr. Lisa Thurgur – CORE-EM
Dr. Eddy Lang – Leadership and Admin (LeAd) and Flow

Make sure to listen to the podcast (and the previous podcast) on our apple podcast (search: CanadiEM)!

Produced by CanadiEM Podcast Team

Hans Rosenberg

Hans Rosenberg is the Director of Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination Program and Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa

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Kevin Junghwan Dong

Kevin Dong is an Emergency Medicine physician in Hamilton, Ontario. His interests include medical education, mentorship, and producing video/podcasts. He completed the Digital Scholar Fellowship in 2019 and he is currently the CanadiEM Director of Multimedia.