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Arts PRN Gallery Recap: Moments

In All Posts, Arts PRN by Tetyana ManiukLeave a Comment

We are thrilled to announce the wrap up of our first gallery: Moments. We have included a recap of each submission below, along with a brief accompanying commentary. Click on each image to find out more about the art and author. Nikki         Our most diverse artist for this gallery, Nikki shared with us her personal struggles in health and medicine through paintings, performance art and poems. She inquired us to …

Medical Concepts: Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

In Medical Concepts by Stephanie Cargnelli3 Comments

A 62 year old woman presents to your Emergency Department with a chief complaint of severe right eye pain. Upon further questioning, she reveals reduced vision in the affected eye and colored halos around lights. She reports a diffuse headache and two episodes of vomiting. A quick physical exam reveals significant conjunctival injection and a fixed, mid-dilated pupil. Does your differential contain acute angle closure glaucoma? What is Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma? Acute angle …

Tragedy of the Commons: A Healthcare Perspective

In Editorial, Opinion by Shahbaz Syed4 Comments

The Tragedy of the Commons is by no means a new theory, nor it is an novel discussion point within the healthcare system. It is, however, quite alarming that despite our awareness of the phenomenon, we continue to exploit it with little consideration for the future of healthcare. Tragedy of the Commons The Tragedy of the Commons was first described by Garrett Hardin [cite num=”1″] as a theory to explain what happens when individuals rationally utilize …