Welcome to “Arts PRN”, a new section of CanadiEM which showcases the stories and experiences of healthcare providers through word, vision, and sound.
Since the beginning of human existence, we have been using abstract forms to share experiences that cannot be adequately expressed through concrete language. We have carved lines and curves in stone, danced to the beat of drums and nature, invented metaphors and analogies, and put brush to canvas. Using art, humans have been able to share everything from visceral emotion to the Pythagorean theorem.
As healthcare providers, we see a spectrum of human beauty and atrocities. Sharing these stories through concrete words may not do them justice or reflect their true weight. However, sharing is necessary to cope with difficult situations and process strong emotions. Thus, many turn to art – painting the story of a patient lost in red and black or composing the beauty of a child’s first cry.
Arts PRN strives to be a platform for students and healthcare providers to share their art, in any form, as it relates to their experience of practicing medicine. It will be a platform for both sharing and discussion, teaching and learning. Arts PRN will show experiences that are both unique and, at their foundation, universal.
It is our hope that Arts PRN will foster a community for reflection of the experiences of practicing medicine and discussion on its implications, all through the arts.
~Tetyana Maniuk, Chitbhanu Singh, Leah Zhao
The theme for the first cycle of submissions is “Moments.” Submission will be accepted at [email protected] until midnight on August 27th, 2017. The rules and guidelines for submissions are outlined here. Please also feel free to contact us with any suggestions or questions!