KT: High Five (strategies to effectively use online resources), Bro

In Knowledge Translation by Eve PurdyLeave a Comment

Before we get too focused on research papers in the Knowledge Translation section, I thought I would highlight a relevant article from the Education/Resident’s perspective in the Annals of Emergency Medicine.  (Boring Disclosure: Two of BoringEM’s Editors, Brent Thoma and Teresa Chan, were authors of this paper.)

The Paper:
Five Strategies to Effectively Use Online Resources in Emergency Medicine (PMID: 24962889)

Why this paper is important?

Because it is a very practical article with tips and tricks relevant to newcomers and well-seasoned FOAMites. The lessons learned might also help connect you with that special article or topic that inspires you to write for BoringEM. It is also a good resource to share with colleagues just starting out online.

Catching up

There is a near-infinite amount of information that health professionals to learn, and an exponentially growing body of resources to help do so (PMID: 24554447). Numerous digital tools can be used to help organize an overwhelming amount of information. Testing those waters can be tricky and take time so these authors provide pro tips.

Bottom Line

Authors highlight 5 strategies to make the most of online resources.

STRATEGY 1: Use a Simple Syndication Reader (RSS)

RSS readers allows you to get information from all different blogs in one location instead of having to surf the web for hours.

STRATEGY 2: Use a Podcast Application

The same idea as an RSS reader but to organize and centrally locate podcasts.

STRATEGY 3: Use Compilations to Find Quality Resources

Use pre-selected, curated and collated content lists to stay up to date. Consider creating lists of your favourite resources to share with your learners and colleagues.

STRATEGY 4: Use Social Networks to Connect with Content Producers and Peers

Learning is social and online learning need not be any different. Being active on different social platforms allows you to stay up to date and also engage, not just with content, but with producers too.

STRATEGY 5: Use Custom Search Engines to Find resources When They are Needed

A custom search engine FOAMSearch only pulls hits from specific sites that are relevant to emergency medicine and critical care clinicians. It makes finding the information that you need, easier.

For more top tips give the article a read!

Eve Purdy (@purdy_eve)
MD Candidate, 2015
Medical Student Editor, BoringEM

Eve Purdy

Eve Purdy

Senior Editor at BoringEM
Senior emergency medicine resident and anthropology student-happily consuming, sharing, creating and researching #FOAMed.
BoringEM has been 'bringing the boring' to emergency medicine since 2012. In 2016 this Canadian blog brought its content to CanadiEM.