The Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine (CJEM) is very happy to collaborate with the amazing CanadiEM team to promote CJEM’s Audio Summary Podcast. Hosted by the Editor-in-Chief and Emergency Medicine research superstar, Ian Stiell, @EMO_Daddy, the CJEM Audio summaries provide a snippet into what the latest issue of CJEM has to offer.
In this issue, we highlight some key papers in the March issue of CJEM including:
- Three articles focusing on substance used disorders including alcohol withdrawal, availability of addiction services, and naloxone dosing from H Langlois, J Hann and J Moen respectively.
- QS Paterson describes a defensible and transparent process for selection of Canadian Emergency Medicine residents.
- #CJEMDebate: #TPA should be the initial treatment in eligible patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke, pitting CJEM Deputy Editor Eddy Lang versus “The Skeptic” Ken Milne, and moderated by Daniel Ting and Paul Atkinson.
- CJEM Journal Club returns with three reviews of some of the biggest articles published in the last year and three Just the Facts articles to help you on your next shift.
- …and so much more!
Check out our podcast summaries here:
English (narrated by Ian Stiell):
French (narrated by Eddy Lang):
Please take a listen and read the articles (including many offered Free Online) featured in Canada’s journal for emergency physicians. Check out the official CJEM website via the Cambridge University Press.
This post was copy-edited by Alexandra Fletcher