CAEP Consensus Conference | Innovation Scholarship

In Featured by Teresa Chan1 Comment

The Problem

The fun part is usually in the implementation of new innovations. The there is a rush when you draft and submit that abstract… and yet another small rush when you are accepted for a presentation at CAEP!  This culminates at the CAEP conference when you have your lightning oral or poster presentation… everyone is so fascinated and interested in your work!  You feel like you’re on top of the world…

And then you get home, and your mentor turns to you and asks: “How’s the paper going?  Have you written this up yet?”

You sigh, and think: “If only there was a guide on how to get published in #MedEd…”

A Step In the Right Direction

Three years ago, CAEP launched their first national Academic Symposia.  This resulted in three Consensus Conference documents defining and guiding our emergency medicine community towards an era of increased #MedEd scholarship.  These documents certainly have been useful in setting the tone for the CAEP education working group‘s (EWG’s) work in the past few years.  These papers have guided many a clinician educator in their quest for direction.

This time around: We need your help!

In the spring of 2016, the CAEP EWG will host the Academic Symposia again, and this time we need your help.

A group of relatively junior clinician educators and residents have been working for a few months now on conducting a thorough review of the literature, and now we need your help!  We are hoping to crowd-source tips and tricks about how to succeed in publishing various types of medical education scholarship.  Today, we invite you to complete the following survey about INNOVATION SCHOLARSHIP.  In future weeks, we will similarly poll about other topics (Quantitative methods, Qualitative methods, Review papers).

If you can be so kind as to spend 10 minutes filling out the survey below, we would much appreciate your help!  Stay tuned for our other surveys which will come out the next few weeks!

Innovation Scholarship Survey

Teresa Chan

Teresa Chan

Senior Editor at CanadiEM
Emergency Physician. Medical Educator. #FOAMed Supporter, Producer and Researcher. Chief Strategy Officer of CanadiEM. Associate Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine, McMaster University.