CAEP 2021: Tracks and Plenary Speakers

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This is the third episode of our CanadiEM’s podcast series in collaboration with CAEP 2021, with our guest host Ken Milne. You may recognize Ken Milne’s voice from the popular podcast Skeptic’s Guide to Emergency Medicine. In this series, Ken breaks down will tell you everything you need to know about the upcoming CAEP 2021 conference, CAEP at the Forks: Rising to the Challenge!

In today’s episode, Ken Milne meets with Dr. Tamara McColl to discuss everything you need to know about the upcoming CAEP conference tracks and plenary speakers. Dr. Tamara McColl breaks down why you should attend the CAEP conference, and what exciting tracks to look out for!

Our Guest

Dr. Tamara McColl is an Emergency Medicine physician at the Saint Boniface Hospital, Assistant Professor at the Max Randy College of Medicine, and Director of Education, Scholarship, and Faculty Development with the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Manitoba. She is also the Scientific Chair of CAEP 2021.

Our Track Chair Highlights:

There are 20 tracks for the conference! In today’s episode we highlight 5 tracks from the CAEP Conference: 

  1. CORE-EM – This is a new track for CAEP! It focuses on the most up-to-date, cutting-edge information relevant to all EM docs practicing in rural and urban centers. This track will be lead by Dr. Brent Thoma, Dr. Lisa Thurgur, Dr. Omar Yusuf, and Dr. Alexandra Hamiln.
  2. Rural Medicine – This track is a fast-paced, high yield, just-the-facts style presentation to provide the latest evidence and procedural techniques for the most remote & rural physicians. This track will be lead by Dr. Aimee Kernick, and Dr. Sean Moore
  3. Art of Resuscitation – This track is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skill to manage the most pressing crises in emergency medicine. It’s not just focused not the technical aspects of trauma care, but also focused on emphasizing the power of teamwork, relationships, and language during resuscitation. This track will be lead by Dr. Sara Gray and Dr. Chris Hicks. 
  4. Recent Emergency Medicine Literature – This track will answer the question of: What is the latest a nd most important emergency medicine literature? We have international experts on critical appraisal and knowledge translation. This track will be lead by our podcast’s very own Dr. Ken Milne. 
  5. Disaster Medicine – For this track we have international speakers! This track will cover everything from responding to the Beirut explosion, Israel’s successful COVID vaccination roll-out, and how to prepare your emergency department for civil unrest/riots. This track will be lead by Dr. Daniel Kollek and Dr. Valerie Homier. 

Are there multiple tracks you want to see but they are both at the same time? You’re in luck! With the virtual nature of the CAEP conference, you will be able to watch all the tracks on demand afterwards! So you don’t need to miss a thing!

Plenary Speaker Line Up:

  • Andre Picard 
  • Judith Tintinalli 
  • Sara Gray
  • Eve Purdy 
  • Victoria Brazil
  • Dara Kass
  • Scott Weingart 
  • Ken Milne 
  • Simon Carley
  • Lisa Richardson
  • Kaveh Shojania
  • Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy 
  • David Barbic
  • Keerat Grewal
  • Christian Vaillancourt
  • Natalie Le Sage
  • Justin Yan

CAEP at the Forks: Rising to the Challenge

When is it?
The conference coming soon – June 15-17, 2021!

Where is it?
This virtual conference is hosted by the organizers at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg in collaboration with educators from all over Canada. Because of its virtual nature, you can tune in from the comfort of your own home!

How can I register? 
Make sure to register as soon as possible at 

What can you do now to prepare?
1. Go to the website and register for the conference.
2. If you are not a CAEP member – get a membership! So many perks!
3. Continue to listen to this amazing promotional CAEPConference Podcast #CAEP21
4. Follow CAEPConference Twitter Account for regular updates pre and during the conference! @caepconference

Tamara McColl

Dr. McColl is an Assistant Professor and Director of Education Scholarship and Faculty Development with the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Manitoba. She is also the CAEP21 Scientific Chair.

Latest posts by Tamara McColl (see all)

Ken Milne
Ken is an emergency physician and the Chief of Staff at South Huron Hospital Association in Exeter, Ontario, Canada as well as the founder and primary contributor to the Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine podcast.
Ken Milne

Latest posts by Ken Milne (see all)

Kara Tastad

Kara Tastad an Emergency Medicine Resident at the University of Toronto. She is a Graphic Design Lead for CanadiEM. Outside of medicine, you are likely to find her traveling, swimming, painting, or baking.

Kevin Junghwan Dong

Kevin Dong is an Emergency Medicine physician in Hamilton, Ontario. His interests include medical education, mentorship, and producing video/podcasts. He completed the Digital Scholar Fellowship in 2019 and he is currently the CanadiEM Director of Multimedia.