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Spot the Diagnosis! The Case of the Dropsical Child

In Arts PRN, Featured, Medical Concepts by Leah ZhaoLeave a Comment

In this Spot the Diagnosis! post, we have the case of an ill looking child, brought in for healing by a worried mother. Through the symbolic ox, the haloed saint is identified as St Luke, a physician in the New Testament. (Note the book at his lap entitled “Hippocrates”.) (Can you also see St. Luke’s other noted profession? Answer: An artist!) [bg_faq_start] What does this scene depict? This scene depicts three people: an …

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Spot the Diagnosis! The Case of the Bloody Man

In Arts PRN, Featured, Medical Concepts by Leah ZhaoLeave a Comment

As part of the Arts PRN series, we will intermittently be featuring pieces of historic art that hint at an underlying medical condition. They say a picture is worth 1000 words… can you Spot the Diagnosis after examining only a painting? Read on to learn not only about the art, but about these fascinating medical conditions. Who knows, maybe they’ll help you make a diagnosis some day (or at least help you out on Jeopardy)! …

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Spot the Diagnosis! The Case of the Dutch Painter

In Arts PRN, Medical Concepts by Leah Zhao3 Comments

In 1665, Rembrandt painted an honest portrait of his younger colleague Gerard de Lairesse, unknowingly immortalizing this painter’s unique physical appearance for contemporary speculation. Like Rembrandt, de Lairesse was a celebrated Dutch artist who was widely influential in his time for his French-style paintings. Today, many believe that he shows facial manifestations of this infectious disease. Do you know what disease he may have had? While you’re giving it some thought, please consider taking …

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Spot the Diagnosis! The case of the Woman and the Flask

In Arts PRN, Featured, Medical Concepts by Leah Zhao1 Comment

As part of the Arts PRN series, we will intermittently be featuring pieces of historic art that hint at an underlying medical condition. They say a picture is worth 1000 words… can you Spot the Diagnosis after examining only a painting? Read on to learn not only about the art, but about these fascinating medical conditions. Who knows, maybe they’ll help you make a diagnosis some day (or at least help you out on Jeopardy)! …

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Hidden stories: What happened to this woman?

In Arts PRN, Education & Quality Improvement by Leah Zhao1 Comment

“Hidden stories” is a new series for Arts PRN challenging your observation skills. How many details can you notice? Can you weave together a story from this one still image? Don’t forget to check out more series featured on Arts PRN here.  [bg_faq_start] Is the woman asleep, unconscious or dead? The woman is lying on the grass in a right lateral decubitus position with her eyes closed. The open outdoor location, her abnormal …

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Spot the Diagnosis! The case of the Recluse

In Arts PRN, Medical Concepts by Leah Zhao3 Comments

As part of the Arts PRN series, we will intermittently be featuring pieces of historic art that hint at an underlying medical condition. They say a picture is worth 1000 words… can you Spot the Diagnosis after examining only a painting? Read on to learn not only about the art, but about these fascinating medical conditions. Who knows, maybe they’ll help you make a diagnosis some day (or at least help you out on Jeopardy)! …