Wellness Criteria for P.E. (Practice Enjoyment) Infographic pic

Wellness Criteria for P.E. (Practice Enjoyment)

In Infographics by Gerhard DashiLeave a Comment

Editors Note: As part of emergency medicine’s annual wellness week (#iEMWell18), Dr. Gerhard Dashi riffed off of the well known Well’s Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism to create the Wellness Criteria for Practice Enjoyment! Score yourself using our infographic to determine how likely it is that you are enjoying your practice!

When to use the Wellness Criteria:

The Wellness Criteria risk stratifies residents for P.E. (practice enjoyment) and provides an estimated pre-test probability. The resident’s program can choose what further testing is required for diagnosing practice enjoyment (e.g. Do they care for patients? Do they help colleagues?)

Residency programs should have a low threshold to use The Wellness Criteria on their residents.

The score aids in potentially increasing resident participation in EM Wellness Week.

Pearls and Pitfalls of the Wellness Criteria:

The Wellness Criteria has not been validated in any way, shape, or form in any human, animal, laboratory, or virtual setting. This score is often used in conjunction with human interaction to inquire about practice enjoyment during residency.

There must first be clinical suspicion for P.E. (practice enjoyment) in the resident. This score should not be applied to all residents who smile or meet deadlines, for example.

The Wellness Criteria has been criticized as “fake news”, “extremely subjective”, and “not validated”.  These are extremely valid points.

The Wellness Criteria is not meant to diagnose P.E. (practice enjoyment), but to be used as a tool by programs and residents during EM Wellness Week 2018.

A PDF version of the Infographic can be downloaded here.

Gerhard Dashi

Gerhard Dashi

Gerhard Dashi is an Emergency Medicine at the University of Toronto. Having just read “Kitchen Confidential”, he now self-identifies as the “Anthony Bourdain of Wellness”: blunt, disgruntled, refusing to conform with the field, but still willing to accept all of it’s benefits. Especially a travel deal.
Anton Nikouline

Anton Nikouline

Anton Nikouline is an FRCPC Emergency Medicine resident at the University of Toronto. Interests include medical education, student mentorship, and all things resuscitation. Dislikes shaving and sitting still.
Anton Nikouline

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