Deputy Editor-in-Chief call

The CanadiEM Junior Editor Program: Now Accepting Applications!

In All Posts by Kevin DurrLeave a Comment

We are pleased to announce that CanadiEM is now accepting applications for our Junior Editor program! If you are interested in learning more about Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) or contributing to this medium, this program is for you. The application process deadline is July 31, 2020.

What is a Junior Editor?

The role of a Junior Editor is very flexible. The main task is copy-editing and uploading article submissions to the website. However, this position is whatever you make of it! Junior Editors are given the opportunity to join any section of the website and can actively contribute to infographics, podcasts, social media promotion, or anything else they can think of!

How did it start?

The Junior Editor program was created in 2016 with the goal of fostering the skills necessary to actively contribute to FOAMed in junior learners. It began with 10 participants, and has since grown rapidly, now including 81 different members across the country. Many Junior Editors have since graduated from the program and now hold senior leadership positions within the website.

Why join?

  1. Experience: This program provides learners with an opportunity to develop their writing and editing skills. Members also learn how to properly format articles for submission to blogposts. If interested, members can also learn how to create infographics, podcasts, and promote content through social media.
  2. Community: The Junior Editor program is home to 81 different members. This community ranges from residents across the country and provides great networking and mentorship opportunities. Furthermore, being part of the CanadiEM team provides you the opportunity to collaborate with leaders in medical education throughout Canada!

Testimonials and Statistics

A recent survey revealed that 86% of past and current Junior Editors felt the program had educational value, and 82% felt they got what was expected from this training and mentorship program.

Skill development (e.g. WordPress training, podcast creation, infographic design), career development (e.g. networking, mentorship, ability to produce FOAMed content), and a sense of community were major themes identified when asked how their experience with CanadiEM would aid their future endeavours.

“The Junior Editor Program is a great opportunity to see first-hand the behind the scenes of a successful medical blog. Being involved every step of the publishing process is great for developing lifelong digital skills. Furthermore, it is also a great opportunity to learn new things about emergency medicine, and to foster particular interests in EM education.”

“It has educational value from a Medical standpoint and a publishing standpoint. I feel reviewing content is great to learn new material/brush up on previously studied topics. Additionally, learning to copy edit/how to work on the back end of a website was a great intro to publishing.”

The Call

If you would like to learn more about FOAMed and contribute to this medium, we want to hear from you! To apply, please send your CV and a short outline (<250 words) describing your interests and any relevant skills to [email protected] by July 31st, 2020.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Kevin Durr

Kevin Durr

Kevin Durr is an Emergency Medicine Resident at the University of Ottawa. His academic interests include Critical Care and Quality Improvement and Patient Safety research. Outside of medicine, he enjoys hockey, football, and basketball.
Sonja Wakeling

Sonja Wakeling

Sonja is a PGY-2 in Emergency Medicine at McMaster University and a Junior Editor with CanadiEM. Her academic interests include medical education (with a budding interest in simulation), quality improvement, and resource utilization. If you can’t find her in the resus or trauma bay of her local ED, she may be tending to her growing houseplant collection or cycling along the excellent paths in Hamilton