Tales from the Trenches E01: COVID Transitions with Dr. Andy Little

In Podcast by Tiffany ProffittLeave a Comment

In this first episode of Tales from the Trenches, Dr. Tiffany Proffitt (host and EM physician at Honor Health in Arizona, USA) talks with guest Dr. Andy Little (Associate Program Director of Advent Health East Orlando Emergency Medicine Residency Program) about career and life transitions during the COVID pandemic. They discuss the unique challenges of moving his family across the US from Ohio to Florida in the pursuit of the career for which they had planned and sacrificed. Dr. Little shares with us how the pandemic forced him to refocus on the things that matter most and helped him discover new adventures with his family. Take a listen, we will get through this together.


Key Points

  • Take advantage of the opportunity COVID gives you to reevaluate your long-term goals.
  • Take time to self-reflect and examine how you spend your time, money, and effort.
  • COVID sucks, but we WILL get through this and we will be better on the other end.

What is Tales from the Trenches?

Tales from the Trenches is a podcast series dedicated to sharing the stories of practicing emergency medicine during the COVID pandemic.


This post was copyedited by Matthew Sem and produced by Dr. Kevin Junghwan Dong

Tiffany Proffitt

Tiffany Proffitt

Staff Emergency Medicine Physician at Honor Health
@promammadoc, Twin Mom, MedEd Enthusiast, master of toddler style dancing, Former Podcaster with EMRACAST