Infographic: Disaster Triage Accuracy Following Screen-Based Simulation versus Immersive Simulation

In Infographics, Medical Concepts by Anson DinhLeave a Comment

In this issue, we collaborated with the INSPIRE (International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, & Education) team to create an infographic on the article “Correlation Between Paramedic Disaster Triage Accuracy in Screen-Based Simulations and Immersive Simulations.” published by Cicero et al.1

Screen-based simulation (SBS) is an emerging alternative to traditional teaching methods which require both learner and educator to be present.2 SBS allows the learner freedom to learn at their own pace.  This study investigated the impact of using SBS and automated feedback (demonstrated on the left side of the infographic).  These results were then compared to PRIDE a study done by the INSPIRE team (demonstrated on the right side of the infographic).3 The difference between SBS and immersive simulation had no significant difference in improving triage accuracy which suggests that SBS may be a viable alternative to immersive simulation.

Certain limitations exist with this paper.  The differing timelines between the SBS and PRIDE study make it more difficult to compare results.  The lack of formal control in the SBS study creates uncertainty to if the improvement in triage score is due to the SBS, automated feedback, or additional self-learning. Lastly since both the immersive simulation used to set baseline and test for improvements were identical, repeating the simulation may have impacted decisions made during the second simulation.


Cicero M, Whitfill T, Walsh B, et al. Correlation Between Paramedic Disaster Triage Accuracy in Screen-Based Simulations and Immersive Simulations. Prehosp Emerg Care. August 2018:1-7. [PubMed]
Koziel J, Meckler G, Brown L, et al. Barriers to pediatric disaster triage: a qualitative investigation. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2015;19(2):279-286. [PubMed]
Cicero M, Whitfill T, Overly F, et al. Pediatric Disaster Triage: Multiple Simulation Curriculum Improves Prehospital Care Providers’ Assessment Skills. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2017;21(2):201-208. [PubMed]
Anson Dinh

Anson Dinh

Anson Dinh is a medical student at the University of Saskatchewan, Class of 2021. His academic interests involve ultrasound and simulations. His hobbies include bouldering, journaling, and collecting fountain pens.