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Wellness Criteria for P.E. (Practice Enjoyment)

In Infographics by Gerhard DashiLeave a Comment

Editors Note: As part of emergency medicine’s annual wellness week (#iEMWell18), Dr. Gerhard Dashi riffed off of the well known Well’s Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism to create the Wellness Criteria for Practice Enjoyment! Score yourself using our infographic to determine how likely it is that you are enjoying your practice! When to use the Wellness Criteria: The Wellness Criteria risk stratifies residents for P.E. (practice enjoyment) and provides an estimated pre-test probability. The …

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EM Wellness Week: Reflections of a wellness skeptic

In Featured by Gerhard DashiLeave a Comment

This post describes how an EM resident’s perception of wellness takes a turn after he recognizes the symptoms of burnout in himself. It was submitted as part of EM Wellness Week. ​Honestly, I’m not really into this “wellness” stuff. I don’t get it. I like what I do – yes, it’s hard, but it’s worth it. All I hear from the “wellness” crowd is talk about burnout, depression, failure, errors, quitting, crying, etc., etc.  Does anyone still like this job? ​That’s …

#TipsForNewDocs | How to give a great Consult

In Mentorship by Gerhard Dashi1 Comment

There is nothing quite as daunting as dialing up a consultant service for the first time. As a clerk, I hated paging anyone because I worried that I would be interrupting them in the midst of something important or would get stumped by their questions. As a resident, I feel more relaxed because I’ve developed a smidge of consult-related finesse and been on the other side of the phone as an off-service junior. …

Phone a Friend: the Noteworthy Nurses

In Mentorship by Gerhard DashiLeave a Comment

Editor’s Note: This series was created by Gerhard Dashi and this week’s post was co-authored by Anali Maneshi. The series highlights the important work that our interprofessional colleagues do. Keep your eye open for more “Phone a Friend” articles and if you would like to be featured or know a colleague that should be highlighted follow this link to complete the questions on a google form.   Background on the “Phone a Friend” series This is the third interview in …

Phone a Friend: the proficient paramedic

In Mentorship by Gerhard Dashi1 Comment

Editor’s Note: This series was created by third year medical student Gerhard Dashi and will highlight the important work that our interprofessional colleagues do.  Keep your eye open for more “Phone a Friend” articles and if you would like to be featured or know a colleague that should be highlighted follow this link to complete the questions on a google form.  Background on the “Phone a Friend” Series This is the second interview in the “Phone a Friend” series. This series …

Phone a Friend: the fantastic pharmacist

In Mentorship by Gerhard Dashi1 Comment

Editor’s Note: This series was created by third year medical student Gerhard Dashi and will highlight the important work that our interprofessional colleagues do. This week’s post was co-authored by Emily Wiener. Keep your eye open for more “Phone a Friend” articles and if you would like to be featured or know a colleague that should be highlighted follow this link to complete the questions on a google form.  [bg_faq_start] Background on the “Phone a Friend” Series As I progress …