This episode of CRACKCast covers Rosen’s Chapter 50, Hand Injuries. Hand injuries constitute 5-10 percent of all emergency room visits, and this high yield chapter will dive into the essential anatomy, examination, and management pearls for managing a whole host of hand injuries.
Shownotes – PDF Link
Check out this awesome videocast by Andy Neil that walks you through the anatomy of the hand:
Also, mad props to Dan Ting for publishing on extensor tendon injuries at ALIEM:
[bg_faq_start]Rosen’s In Perspective
- Different people number fingers differently! Just call the finger what it is: thumb, index, middle, ring, and little.
- This part of the body is obviously very important. You only get two, and most people’s feet can’t do the same things – such as communicate, manipulate, and express
- Commonly injured as they are used to manipulate the external environment.
- Mismanagement or misdiagnosis of injuries early in their course can result in loss of function.
- Common: hand injuries are 5-10% of ED visits, of which 10% need referral to a hand surgeon.
- Pearls: *** Rosen’s has 8 pages on anatomy and biomechanics***
- Hands swells dorsally (palm has firm skin connected to fascia)
- Knowledge of hand biomechanical design is important to long term function and management – See Figures 50-6-11
- .e.g the MCP joint collateral ligaments are tightest at 90 degree flexion
- The intrinsic muscles of the hand vs. the extrinsic ones – knowing where they insert and how they function is essential
- See Fig 50-12
- The thumb does not have an FDS or FDP tendon (only a FPL tendon!)
- Knowing where each flexor and extensor tendon runs (for hand laceration assessments)
- Knowing where Lister’s tubercle is (EPL passes around this to attach on the distal phalanx of the thumb).
- It’s the EPL that extends and hyperextends** the thumb IP joint
- Complete transection of an extensor tendon proximal to the juncturae tendinum can have a falsely normal MCP extension on exam
- Know how to test the EIP and EDM (hook ‘em horns)
- The three wrist flexors (FCR, FCU, PL).
- Knowing how FDS and FDP lie (you’ll cut FDP at the DIP, but FDS at MCP volarly)
- FDP is paradoxically lacerated more often!
Synovial spaces – and the function of bursae (exist for flexors only) and where they run
- FDP is paradoxically lacerated more often!
- See Fig 50-12
- Hand nerves
- Nail body anatomy:
- Nail body vs. Lunula vs. nail root vs. nail bed vs. hyponychium vs. prionychium
1) Describe discriminatory motor, sensory, and vascular testing of the hand
Go through Box 50-1 – with your study partner to hammer this home!
- X-rays of the hand are part of the physical exam –
- Hand nerve roots are C6-T1
- Sensory testing – pick areas that have minimal overlap
- Ulnar n.: volar tip of little finger
- Median n.: volar tip of index finger
- Radial n.: dorsal first web space (between thumb and index finger)
- Two point discrimination
- Ability to tell the difference between one point of touch or two points of touch
- “Accuracy and objectivity is questioned; limited value in children, calloused fingers, distracted injuries, altered mental status”
- Skin wrinkle test is probably more accurate
- Fingertips: 5mm max (“5 fingers”)
- Base of palm: 10mm max
- Dorsum: 12mm max
- Ability to tell the difference between one point of touch or two points of touch
- Motor testing – test nerves, important tendons, look for deformity
- Ulnar n. (passes through Guyon’s canal)
- Test function – finger abduction, MCP flexion
- Palsy – main en griffe (clawhand)
- Ulnar n. (passes through Guyon’s canal)
Median n.
- Test function – thumb opposition to index and litttle finger
- Make sure thumb is bent!
- Palsy – main en singe (ape hand) – inability to abduct thumb
- Radial n.
- Test function – wrist extension, thumb extension & abduction
- Palsy – wrist drop
- Flexor tendons
- FDS – hold finger in extension at the MCP, patient should be able to flex PIP
- FDP – hold finger in extension at the PIP, patient should be able to flex DIP
- Test full range of motion of hand and wrist
- Flexion, extension
- Ulnar deviation, radial deviation
- Supination, pronation
- More coming in specific conditions
- Allen’s test involves a couple of steps:
- Fist is clenched for 30 seconds
- Pressure is applied over both ulnar and radial arteries
- Hand is unclenched and should remain pale
- Ulnar artery is released while radial artery is kept occluded
- Pallor should resolve in 5 to 15 seconds – normal test.
- Test can be repeated but with release of the radial artery
- The hand usually survives even if both arteries are transected at the wrist due to collateralization.
- But bilateral digital artery injuries usually have poor outcomes!
2) Describe the anatomical borders of the anatomical snuffbox
- Dorsally – Extensor pollicis longus
- Volarly – Extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus
- Proximally – radial styloid
- Distally – approximate apex of the triangle (where Ext. Pol. Longus and Ext. Pol. Brevis/Abd. Pol. Longus meet)
- Floor – radial artery, scaphoid, trapezium
3) Describe indications and contraindications to replantation + prehospital management of amputated part
4) Describe the management of:
Phalangeal and metacarpal fractures
- Lots to get through here!
- See all the x-ray figures in the chapter, also check out Fig 50-29 for some good images and how to describe hand fracture location (i.e. neck vs. base)
- Distal phalangeal fractures
- Tuft fractures most common
- Symptomatic treatment
- Angulated fractures of the DP – may attempt reduction but often unsuccessful. Splint and refer.
- Watch out for Jersey Finger (more on this later)
- Tuft fractures most common
- Proximal and middle phalangeal fractures
- Watch for malrotation and scissoring – the nails should all point to the scaphoid
- Transverse fractures usually stable, oblique less so
- Reduce if necessary but normally not displaced
- If undisplaced: Buddy tape to provide support and allow ROM of DIP & PIP
- “Dynamic splinting” – with ROM exercises in first 3-5 days.
- If displaced (less common): reduce and splint/cast. Should be seen in follow-up, preferably with a hand surgeon
- Metacarpal shaft fractures:
- Can tolerate some angulation and some shortening. They cannot tolerate any rotation
- Rotation is assessed by having the patient flex their fingers and look for overlap of the fingers: “scissoring”
- Surgical correction is required for:
- 2-3 mm of shortening
- 1 mm of articular surface step-off
- Involvement of > 25% of the articular surface
- ANY rotation due to spiral or oblique #’s
- Metacarpal head fractures:
- Rare fracture, usually direct crush injury
- Splint in position of safety
- Wrist extended 20 degrees, MCPs at 90 degrees, PIP & DIP joints extended
- Refer to hand surgeon
- Overlying laceration: treat as open fracture, can be a fight-bite injury
- Metacarpal neck fracture
- Boxer’s fracture most common
- Reduce ring and little finger fractures with 90-90 technique
- Allowed post-reduction dorsal angulation:
- Index: 15 degrees
- Middle: 15 degrees
- Ring: 35 degrees
- Little: 45 degrees
- “10-20-30-40 rule”
- ONLY 10 degrees of lateral angulation tolerated
- Gutter splint in position of safety or function
- See Fig 50-35
- Ulnar gutter – for ring and little fingers
- Radial spline – for index and long fingers
- See Fig 50-35
- Early DIP/PIP ROM, MCP ROM at 3-4 weeks
- Watch out for rotation and scissoring
- Metacarpal shaft fracture
- Three types: transverse, oblique/spiral, comminuted
- Result from direct blow
- Main concern is rotation & scissoring
- Reduce, and refer (to hand surgery)
- Tolerate 10 degrees in ring and 20 degrees in little finger, 3mm shortening max, no rotation
- Metacarpal base fracture
- Easy!
- Immobilization, analgesia, referral to hand surgeon
- Allowed post-reduction dorsal angulation:
What are Bennett’s and Rolando’s fractures? How are they managed?
***the thumb is special – fractures of the thumb metacarpal or handled differently***
- Fractures of the base of the thumb
- If it’s EXTRA-articular: these are treated with a thumb spica (<~30 deg. Of angulation tolerated)
- Bennett’s: Intra-articular fracture of the base of the thumb, extending into CMC joint
- Rolando’s: Y-shaped 3-part fracture of the base of the thumb
- Same treatment:
- Reduce in ED, place in thumb spica splint
- Must see hand surgeon – very unstable, ligamentous disruption
Common ligamentous injury
- Grade III DIP/PIP ligament disruption + dislocation
- Most commonly dorsal dislocation – obvious deformity
- “Bayonet Apposed” – colinear/parallel but no end-to-end joint surface contact
- Closed reduction under local – traction, hyperextension, then reduction
- If not able to reduce closed, require surgery (often due to interposed fragment, entrapment of FDP, or buttonholing)
- Test stability – if able to ROM with no instability, splint for 3 weeks in 20-30 degrees of flexion. If unstable (i.e. complete ligamentous disruption): needs operative repair
- Avulsion fractures > ⅓ of articular surface need open fixation
- Volar dislocation uncommon and most need operative repair. May try gentle traction with MCP and PIP joints flexed
- Volar plate injury
- Ligamentous structure on the volar side of the MCP joint
- Most often injured by hyperextension of the finger or dislocation of the MCP joint
- Can have instability on exam
- Be worried: volar plate can be interposed into the joint: evidence of dislocation on imaging, as well as joint widening and sometimes sesmoid bones in the joint space.
- Injury of the volar plate mandates consultation with a hand surgeon
- CMC + MCP dislocation
- Again, uncommon injury. Most commonly index finger, next most common little finger
- Simple – joint hyperextended, joint surfaces may appear to be in contact on imaging
- Closed reduction with appropriate analgesia: flex wrist (relaxes flexor tendons), firm pressure over dorsum of proximal phalanx
- Complex – as above, volar plate interposed into joint space. Requires operative fixation.
- CMC dislocation rare and often missed – remember to look in MVAs, falls, crush injuries, and closed fist injuries
- Attempt closed reduction with traction and flexion of the metacarpal, combined with longitudinal pressure on the base of the metacarpal followed by extension.
- CMC dislocation should always be refered to a hand surgeon, even if closed reduction is successful.
- Gamekeepers / Skiiers Thumb
- Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament, often from forced abduction of the thumb.
- Exam shows pain over ulnar side of base of thumb, and laxity with valgus testing (full extension and in 30 degrees flexion)
- Partial rupture – 4 weeks in thumb spica cast, follow up with hand surgeon
- Complete rupture – surgical repair
- What is a Stener’s Lesion?
- Interposition of soft tissues between bone and adductor aponeurosis preventing it from ever reattaching and healing
- Diagnosed with MRI or U/S
Extensor tendon injuries
- What extensor zones are reasonable for ER repair?
- Zones start a I distally and progress to VII proximally (see figure 50-46 from Rosens) – Verdan classification
- ER repair is reasonable in zone VI as tendons do not retract significantly due to the synechia.
- Repair of zone V should be discussed with a hand surgeon – possible in ED but often complicated. Make sure to rule out human bite.
- Repair of Zone I/II injuries in ED only if partial and with no extensor lag – even so discuss with hand surgeon.
- Any other zone, including I-III need meticulous repair
- Look at Fig 50-15 – oblique/lateral bands/ etc.!
- Central slip injury
- Injury to the central tendon over the PIP
- Unopposed FDS flexes the PIP and the volar bands displace laterally. This in turn causes hyperextension of the DIP – bouttonière deformity.
- Deformity can be acute or delayed
- Make sure to explore dorsal lacerations fully in this region
- Easily missed if closed injury – suspect with trauma and pain/swelling of PIP
- Elson’s test –
- Attempt to extend finger against slight resistance with PIP flexed to 90 degrees
- Positive if DIP in extension or hyperextension with no PIP extension
- Splint in extension, refer to hand surgeon
- Immediate consultation if open injury with acute bouttonière deformity
- Mallet Finger
- Injury to DIP extensor – either avulsion fracture or direct tendon injury
- Presents as flexion deformity at DIP, can have incomplete active extension
- Forced flexion of extended finger (e.g. ball hits the end of the finger)
- Four types (Doyle Classification):
- Closed tendon rupture, with or without dorsal avulsion fracture
- Open tendon laceration
- Open tendon injury with skin or subcutaneous tissue loss
- Mallet fracture
- Maintain the joint in complete extension for 6 to 8 weeks
- Open injuries require direct repair of the tendon
- Jersey finger
- Avulsion of the FDP insertion, from forced extension of a flexed finger
- Most commonly the ring finger
- Usually a closed injury
- Look for some degree of extension of the DIP when the hand is a neutral flexed position
- Test FDP and FDS independently
- Lippism:
- You gotta be a “pro” to find that FDP, most “superficial” people can notice an FDS tear
- Needs urgent referral to a hand surgeon
- Flex wrist and hand in extension
- Lippism:
- i) What about flexor tendon injuries?
- These all need a hand surgeon’s assessment and management
- ii) Trigger fingers – nodular swelling of a flexor tendon that gets caught one of the many flexor pulleys
Nail bed injuries
- Subungual hematoma
- Most commonly from crush injury
- Need radiograph in appropriate mechanism to exclude underlying fracture
- Very painful – relieve pressure with nail trephination – large needle, thermal microcautery
- Distal phalanx fracture with subungual hematoma should be treated as an open fracture with prophylactic antibiotics
- Nailbed laceration
- Should be repaired with 5-0 or 6-0 absorbable suture after avulsion of the remaining nail.
- If there is sufficient remaining nail it should be re-approximated over the repair and secured with suture or tape to splint the nail bed
- Complete nail regrowth takes 70-160 days
- If the nail bed isn’t properly repaired accurately granulation tissue will impede smooth nail growth
Fingertip amputations
- Zone I: proximal ⅔ of the nail bed is preserved, no bony involvement
- Zone II: exposed bone
- Zone III: entire nailbed is lost
- Important: maintain thumb length in any way possible: Refer these to a hand surgeon, don’t rongeur or trim tissue.
- Index is the next most important digit – want to be able to preserve pulp-to-pulp pinch if possible
- Consider age, occupation, handedness for all patients
- Management depends on wound area, but all should receive tetanus prophylaxis if indicated, and should be treated as an open fracture with antibiotics:
- <1 cm2: heal by secondary intent, standard wound care
- >1 cm2: primary closure.
- If the bone protrudes by < 5mm, rongeur and close a flap over, otherwise will need OR for management.
Common hand infections
- Paronychia – infection or abscess of the lateral nail fold.
- Swelling, erythema, and discharge from lateral nail fold
- Most commonly S. aureus and strep species
- If fluctuant or discharge, lift the lateral nail fold with a scalpel to drain and +/- antibiotics
- Can end up with osteomyelitis of distal phalanx – refer if chronic or atypical
- Felon – infection of the pulp of any digit, made worse due to the fibrous septa of the pulp.
- Most commonly S. aureus or gram -’ves
- Treated with I+D with a deep lateral incision posterior to digital artery and nerve
- Ulnar side of index, middle, ring fingers
- Radial side of thumb and little finger
- Herpetic whitlow – HSV infection of the distal finger
- Pain, pruritis, swelling of finger followed by clear vesicles
- Avoid I+D – can result in viral dissemination and it can be hard to tell this apart from a felon or paronychia: careful history of risk factors is needed
- Can consider oral acyclovir, especially in recurrent infections or patients who are immunocompromised
- Deep space infection of the hand
- Less common, but can develop infection of the deep spaces of the palm, thenar, or hypothenar eminences
- Look for “collar-button abscess” with matching swelling and erythema on both volar and dorsal aspects of the hand
- All such infections require IV antibiotics and surgical exploration. Consider MRSA as a potential etiology in at-risk patients.
- Flexor tenosynovitis
- We’ll come to this shortly, but patients with this disorder should be treated with IV antibiotics
- Consider gonorrhea as a possible etiology in at-risk patients with no traumatic cause (Ceftriaxone is a reasonable choice)
- Surgical exploration and irrigation required
Fight bites
- Result from punching a human in the mouth, causing a laceration over the MCP (most often the middle finger)
- Very high rate of infection, can be missed due to patient factors
- Most often polymicrobial, including staph, strep, anaerobes
- Consider extensor tendon injury, check for foreign bodies with XR (i.e. teeth)
- Consult hand surgeon, tetanus prophylaxis, culture the wound, and start IV antibiotics
5) List 4 signs of flexor tenosynovitis
See Fig 50-21 as to why infections can spread through the bursae. For example the sheath of FPL – runs from thumb tip all the way to radial bursa (as does the little finger).
Knavel’s signs
- Tenderness along course of the flexor tendon
- Symmetrical swelling of the finger (sausage finger or fusiform swelling)
- Pain on passive extension
- semi-flexed posture of the finger
6) What is the management of a high pressure injection?
- Splint and elevate affected hand
- Analgesia
- Tetanus prophylaxis
- Broad-spectrum antiobiotics
- Avoid digital blocks (more fluid in a confined space that has had a bunch of junk injected into it at high pressure = iatrogenic compartment syndrome/vascular compromise)
- Emergent hand surgeon consult – even if the injection site looks benign
7) What are indications for repair of nerve injuries in hand?
- Involvement of the motor branches of the ulnar or median nerves
- Digital nerve injuries that are proximal the DIP and:
- On the radial side of the index finger
- On the ulnar side of the little finger
- Either side of the thumb
- Clean, single nerve laceration
- Hand signals – no we’re not part of the illuminati
- In disease:
- Wrist drop – radial nerve
- Main en griffe – clawhand – ulnar nerve
- Main en singe – monkey hand – median nerve
- In testing of function
- OK sign
- Sipping tea with the queen
- Hook em Horns
- In disease:
This post was edited and uploaded by Ross Prager (@ross_prager)