This episode of CRACKCast covers Rosen’s Chapter 34, Vaginal Bleeding. This chapter covers a complaint that ranges from mostly benign to life threatening, and covers causes and management.
Also check out EM Cases Rapid Reviews Videos on Vaginal Bleeding
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[bg_faq_start]1) List 12 causes of vaginal bleeding, indicating at what age groups each is more common
- Nonpregnant patients
- Ovulatory
- Single episode of spotting in between regular menses
- Anovulatory
- Causes 90% of DUB
- Leads to an overgrowth of uterine tissue due to excessive estrogen – due to stress, weight loss, exercise.
- The H-P-A axis is disrupted.
- Leads to an overgrowth of uterine tissue due to excessive estrogen – due to stress, weight loss, exercise.
- Consider:
- Fibroids
- Exogenous hormone use
- Uterine AVM
- Causes 90% of DUB
- Non-uterine
- Need to consider vulva, vault, vagina, forchette, cervix, urethral, rectal, anal, foreign bodies, genital trauma, cervical polyps
- Ovulatory
- Acute menorrhagia in ADOLESCENTS
- 20% of cases due to
- Von-wilibrand’s disease
- Myeloproliferative disorders (polycythemia vera, CML, thrombocytosis)
- 20% of cases due to
- Non uterine causes:
- Cervix – cancer, polyps, condylomata, OCP use, PID
- Vagina – lacerations, trauma, tumours,
- Adnexa – hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, ovarian tumours, PCOS, endometriosis
- Urinary tract – urethral diverticula, urethral furuncles
- Anal or rectal causes
2) List 6 causes of bleeding in early pregnancy
- Pregnant patients
- Before 20 weeks
- Ectopic
- Serum BHCG levels
- False negative rate for
- Serum < 0.5% (when 10 mIU/mL used)
- Urine < 1% (when 20 mIU/mL used)
- Usually 95-100% sensitive and specific for pregnancy
- The discriminatory level for ectopic pregnancy is 1500-2000 mIU/mL
- False negative rate for
- Serum BHCG levels
- Miscarriage
- Threatened
- Inevitable
- Spontaneous
- Complete
- Incomplete
- Missed
- Septic
- Implantation bleeding
- GI or GU bleeding
- Trauma
- Cervical carcinoma
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- Hydatidiform mole or molar pregnancy
- Ectopic
- Before 20 weeks
3) Describe the management of severe third trimester bleeding and post-partum hemorrhage
Third trimester
- After 20 weeks
- Placental abruption
- Placental previa / increta / percreta
- Early
- Uterine atony
- Prolonged labour, infection, polyhydramnios, multiparity, induced labour, precipitous labour, magnesium therapy, intrauterine injection
- Uterine trauma (instrumentation)
- Uterine atony
- Late
- Uterine atony
- Prolonged labour, infection, polyhydramnios, multiparity, induced labour, precipitous labour, magnesium therapy, intrauterine injection
- Retained foreign body
- Infection
- Uterine atony
[bg_faq_start]1) Outline options for managing vaginal bleeding in the non-pregnant patient?
- Crystalloids and then RH Negative blood until Rh status known
- IF blood in abdomen +/- shocky
- Consult
- Gen surg
- Obs gyne
- Radiology – IR techniques
- May need hysterectomy, embolization, and determination of other bleeding sources (in trauma – liver, spleen, etc)
- Consult
- If < 20 weeks pregnant and not unstable:
- Determine if os if open (use ring locking forceps to see if it is an inevitable miscarriage)
- Give Rhogam if mother is Rh negative!
- Determine if os if open (use ring locking forceps to see if it is an inevitable miscarriage)
NON-pregnant patients
- Treatment:
- Tranexamic acid 1 g TID x 7 days
- Premarin (conjugated ESTROGEN) – IV or IM 25 mg and q 6 hrs prn
- IF bleeding continues insert foley catheter into cervical os and inflate to tamponade the bleeding
- Leave in place for 12-24 hrs
- Birth control pill with at least 35 mcg of estradiol BID until bleeding stops or up to 7 days
2) When would you avoid estrogen products in non-pregnant women with vaginal bleeding?
- Contraindications to estrogen use:
- Thromboembolic events / strokes
- Estrogen dependent tumour
- Active liver disease
- Pregnancy
3) 7 critical causes of vaginal bleeding NOT to miss!
Critical diagnoses NOT to miss!
- Ectopic
- Heterotopic (1:40000 – 1:100 (if on fertility treatment))
- Miscarriage
- Placenta previa / accreta
- Placental abruption
- Uterine perforation / rupture / trauma
- Arteriovenous malformation
- ABCD’s and pregnancy test!
- Bedside ultrasound for IUP and free fluid in abdomen
- Then appropriate systemic analysis of possible bleeding causes
- pregnancy vs. non-pregnancy
- Anatomic approach
4) BONUS: What’s the incidence of ectopic AND the incidence with an IUD in place? 1
- Ectopic pregnancy in general 2/100 – 2% in GENERAL population
- But 6-16% among women who come to the ED with first trimester bleeding, and/or pain
- Ectopic pregnancies as a proportion of all pregnancies based on contraceptive method:
- Mirena IUD 1:2
- !!(50% of all pregnancies, IF the woman with an IUD gets pregnant)
- Copper IUD 1:16
- Pills 0 – 1:20
- Tubal sterilize opioid receptors in the gut
- Mirena IUD 1:2
This post was copyedited and uploaded by Sean Nugent (@sfnugent)
Tulandi T. Ectopic pregnancy: Incidence, risk factors, and pathology. UpToDate. Accessed March 20, 2017.