Clerkship Skills needs assessment

Key Clerkship Skills: Help us to identify them!

In Education & Quality Improvement, Mentorship by Tahsin KhanLeave a Comment

Editor’s note: The CanadiEM team believes that it was import to consult stakeholders when developing new content. The bleeding and clotting needs assessment that we conducted previously has been completed and we will soon be publishing content directed at meeting the needs that we identified.  This post contains a needs assessment directed at the most junior members of the EM family – our clinical clerks. It is very short! (What you see below is all you have to fill out!) Please consider completing it so that we can provide content on the most important skills for clerks in the ED. – TC


We have observed that there is currently a lack of high-quality online resources to guide medical students to develop certain core non-medical-expert competencies in Emergency Medicine. For example, key skills such as delivery of bad news to a patient, referring patients to consultants, and even the process of charting in the Emergency Department (ED), are not consistently featured in #FOAMed products.

As such, we are inviting all of those who have come through their EM training before to help us what core non-knowledge skills we should teach our medical students as they cycle through emergency medicine rotations. Whether you are a graduating clinical clerk, a EM resident, an EM Faculty member, or a program/clerkship director… we want to know what YOU think are critical skills for an EM clerk!

Presently, there are some excellent FOAM resources to guide learners in their approach to common clinical presentations from a medical standpoint, but we are lacking equivalent resources for key clerkship skills required in the ED. We hope to address this gap by developing a novel curriculum for learners in Emergency Medicine, particularly medical students in their clerkship years.

We would really appreciate your assistance in the completion of the following needs assessment survey to help us identify pertinent topics for a curriculum tailored for medical clerks in an Emergency Medicine rotation (elective or core). The results of the survey will enable us to prioritize topics that are deemed to be most important to enhancing the performance of clerks in the ED.


Tahsin Khan

Tahsin Khan

Tahsin Khan is a medical student at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University.
Tahsin Khan

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Teresa Chan

Teresa Chan

Senior Editor at CanadiEM
Emergency Physician. Medical Educator. #FOAMed Supporter, Producer and Researcher. Chief Strategy Officer of CanadiEM. Associate Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine, McMaster University.