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CAEP GeMES | Non-traditional learning methods by EM Residents

In Education & Quality Improvement, Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Andrew HallLeave a Comment

Alexis, a first-year Emergency Medicine resident at Millborough Hospital, was studying with some of her senior residents, who could not stop talking about the various podcasts and blogs that they have been using to prepare for their rotations. Alexis, a self-proclaimed “old soul,” has gotten by just fine so far with her traditional textbook and lecture based learning, but does find them low-yield at times. She wonders whether it is worth changing her study …

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CAEP GeMES | The effectiveness of feedback by faculty to learners is often challenged by faculty factors

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Peter RogersLeave a Comment

Dr. Hoag thoroughly enjoys working with Penelope, one of the senior residents at his hospital. He admires her knowledge, diligence on shifts and involvement in academic pursuits. Outside of the hospital, Dr. Hoag has become a mentor to Penelope, and often offers career advice. One day, Dr. Hoag observes Penelope treat a difficult psychiatric patient, and Penelope uncharacteristically loses her cool and verbally lashes back at the patient. After the shift, Dr. Hoag …

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CAEP GeMES | Does integrating patient death within simulation favor better performance from residents?

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Daniel TingLeave a Comment

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose” – Bill Gates  One school of thought in simulation education is that the simulated patient should never die. Instead, learners should be “rescued” before ultimate failure to prevent students from having their confidence battered by a poor outcome in simulation, which could lead to decision paralysis in a real life scenario. Another contrary line of reasoning, one of which …

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CAEP GeMES | What affects a trainee’s ability to generate self-directed learning goals

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Carla AngelskiLeave a Comment

“So, how do you think the shift went?”  Gregor reflects for a moment and recalls having difficulty diagnosing a sick elderly patient with abdominal pain. “I think I’ll read about red flags in abdominal pain.” “That’s a great idea,” says Dr. Tran, “Why don’t you read about the sensitivity of serum lactate in acute mesenteric ischemia?” One of the valuable teaching moments in Emergency Medicine is at the end of the shift, where …

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CAEP GeMES | Those Who Can, Do and They Teach Too: Faculty Clinical Productivity and Teaching

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Warren Cheung2 Comments

Valerie is always irked by the layman’s expression, “Those who can’t do, teach.” In her experience, she has found that the great clinical teachers seem to be more engaged in the academic community and are invested in patient education. Indeed, Valerie finds that any additional time they spend with students or patients is well worth it. On the other hand, her friend Hugo points out that this extra time spent means the teachers aren’t as …

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CAEP GEMeS | Simulation-based medical education (SBME) with mastery learning: Does it lead to higher quality learning and patient care?

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Stephen MillerLeave a Comment

Marco is a second year resident who is on call overnight. One of his patients goes into a cardiac arrest, and Marco is called to run the code blue. It’s the first time he is in charge and unfortunately the code runs clumsily. The interpersonal communication is unclear and the CPR quality is subpar. Later, the patient needs a central line and Marco fails to properly insert the catheter. When Marco reflects on the experience …