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CAEP GEMeS | Does a good learner bias your impression of others?

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Teresa Chan1 Comment

by Alexandra Stefan Dr. Singh looked up from his charting and saw two learners holding their daily evaluation cards expectantly. One was an senior medical student visiting on elective. Dr. Singh thought that she had performed very well and worked independently. The other learner was a junior clerk who had just started his rotations. Dr. Singh found working with this learner to be quite difficult, since it seemed like he had to stop …

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Highlighting and Translating Canadian EM Education

In Featured Education Innovations (FEI), Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Teresa ChanLeave a Comment

Three key papers were developed at the 2013 Canadian Association of Emergency Physician‘s (CAEP) Educational Scholarship Academic Symposium and published in the May 2014 edition of CJEM that explain the value of educational scholarship in emergency medicine. They outlined the importance of innovating and improving teaching and learning in our specialty [1], endorsed the support and develop scholars in EM [2], and described how we can move forward using a pragmatic “how-to” guide [3]. Since then, the Canadian EM community …