Urine Testing and UTIs in the Older ED Patient

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10 ED practice points based on current clinical practice guidelines

1. Focus on a change in urinary symptoms. Chronic urinary incontinence or dysuria can be common. 

2. Watchful waiting is okay. For patients with non-localizing symptoms consider the alternative diagnosis before sending urine tests. If pyuria is present, consider a period of observation with hydration. Follow the clinical course and C&S results, while investigating other causes​1,2​

3. Foul smelling, dark, and/or cloudy urine without urinary symptoms should not be investigated. These signs are more typical of dehydration than infection​3​

4. Do not screen for bacteriuria or treat with antimicrobials unless specific urinary tract symptoms are present. Screening for and treatment of ASB is only recommended before urologic procedures where mucosal bleeding is anticipated​4–6​

5. Avoid routine urinalysis or urine dips in the ED. These should be sent only if there are focal urinary symptoms. Pyuria does not differentiate between ASB and UTI. A urine dipstick and microscopy with pyuria has a PPV 32-34% and NPV > 90% for a positive urine culture​6–9​

6. Start broad-spectrum antimicrobials against urinary and non-urinary sources in older patients with bacteriuria and systemic signs consistent with sepsis and no other localizing source​4​

7. Do not screen for or treat ASB in patients with indwelling catheters​4​

8. UTI should not be high on the differential diagnosis of weakness, delirium, increased falls, or acute functional decline unless there are clear new UTI symptoms​3,4,10,11​.

9. Antibiotic treatment of ASB in older hospitalized patients does not improve outcomes, but is associated with longer hospitalizations and other adverse effects​12,13​

10. Treat a UTI for appropriate durations: uncomplicated cystitis for 3-5 days, complicated cystitis (male, catheterization, urological abnormalities) for 7 days, and acute pyelonephritis for 7-10 days​14​.

This post was copyedited and uploaded by Maham Khalid.


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Rebecca Schonnop

Dr. Rebecca Schonnop is an Emergency Medicine resident at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. During her residency training she completed a Geriatric Emergency Medicine Clinical Fellowship through the University of Toronto. She has a particular interest in caring for older persons in the ED, and medical education.