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CJEM Visual Abstract: The cost of In- vs Out-patient antibiotic therapy

In Featured, Infographics by Samuel WilsonLeave a Comment

In this issue, we collaborated with the CJEM team to create a visual abstract on the article “Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) and inpatient treatment strategies for emergency department patients with cellulitis: a cost analysis”.​1​ Skin and soft tissue infections in the ED almost always equals antibiotic prescription. Depending on severity and patient characteristics, the question is whether oral or intravenous (IV) administration is required, and patients receiving IV antibiotics for these infections …

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CAEP Daily 2022: Plenary Speakers Day 4

In Featured by Samuel WilsonLeave a Comment

In this series, we are collaborating with CAEP to break down everything you need to know about the CAEP Conference in Quebec City! We have teamed up with CAEP to bring you infographics summarizing the plenary talks for each day of the conference! Today’s Plenary featured Daniel Kollek and Valerie Rzepka with “Vivre-esemble abroad: Lessons from Ukraine”. In this amazing plenary, they broke down their top tips on how to provide efficient care …

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A Study on Behalf of the CCEDRRN: Trends in COVID-19 ED management and outcomes, wave-by-wave.

In Infographics by Samuel WilsonLeave a Comment

In 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) presented the largest public health crisis inover a century. Healthcare workers had to learn how to treat and manage patients withCOVID-2019 without overwhelming health systems. They were faced with both evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment recommendations. Simultaneously, public healthinterventions aimed to reduce transmission in the population and protect those mostvulnerable. In this evolving context, we wanted to know whether clinicians were able toadapt their clinical practice. We also …