Introduction Skin and soft tissue infections are a common chief complaint and continue to be an increasingly common chief complaint in the emergency department.1–4 Abscess and cellulitis are the two most common conditions encountered, but it is important to have a high clinical index of suspicion for some of the true cutaneous emergencies. Currently, there are no cases of COVID-19 with ONLY cutaneous symptoms. Make sure to complete a good review of systems …
CanadiEM Frontline Primer – Epistaxis
Background Epistaxis (“nose bleed”) is one of the most common ENT complaints seen in the ED. It occurs in up to 60% of the population, and one in ten people affected seek medical attention for the complaint(1). The condition can be classified as anterior or posterior, determined by the anatomic site of bleeding. Around 90% of all cases arise from the anterior nasal septum at the Kiesselbach’s plexus, a confluence of terminal branches …
CanadiEM Frontline Primer – MSK – Extremity Soft Tissue Abnormalities
Can’t Miss Diagnoses Necrotizing Fasciitis Toxic Shock Syndrome Venous Thromboembolism (e.g. DVT) Peripheral Arterial Occlusion Abscess Tendon Rupture Cellulitis Burns (including chemical) Common Diagnoses: Sprains Strains Neuropathies IF CONSIDERING NEC. FASC. PLEASE USE PROPER PPE AND NOTIFY SURGICAL TEAMS EARLY. TIME IS TISSUE. Points to focus upon Hx To note and document; Tetanus status, anticoagulation, surgical manipulation if any.Ask about recent intercurrent febrile illnesses.May have “pain out of proportion” or localized hypoesthesia. Px: …