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CAEP FEI | Archives of Scholarship in Simulation and Educational Techniques (ASSET)

In Education & Quality Improvement, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Adam DubrowskiLeave a Comment

Heather is a fourth year resident asked to create and facilitate a simulation scenario for junior residents. She has always been interested in simulation based learning, but struggles with finding the time to create high-fidelity scenarios featuring important learning points. Heather wonders if there is a collection of simulation scenarios that she can use as educational tools.  Emergency Medicine training programs often use simulation scenarios as important teaching tools. However, due to time constraints, it can …

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CAEP FEI | Tuckamore Innovation

In Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Adam DubrowskiLeave a Comment

Miriam, the simulation lab nurse, has seen all sorts of healthcare teams rotate through the sim lab to practice patient cases. Often, the participants are all from a single discipline. Often, the patient cases are similar. This has always struck Miriam as strange, as from her experience working in the Emergency Department knows that real cases involve multidisciplinary teams and that there is so much in common between the various disciplines.  Simulation technologies are …

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CAEP GeMES | The effectiveness of feedback by faculty to learners is often challenged by faculty factors

In Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) by Adam DubrowskiLeave a Comment

Dr. Hoag thoroughly enjoys working with Penelope, one of the senior residents at his hospital. He admires her knowledge, diligence on shifts and involvement in academic pursuits. Outside of the hospital, Dr. Hoag has become a mentor to Penelope, and often offers career advice. One day, Dr. Hoag observes Penelope treat a difficult psychiatric patient, and Penelope uncharacteristically loses her cool and verbally lashes back at the patient. After the shift, Dr. Hoag …