CanadiEM aims to create a virtual community of practice for Canadian Emergency Medicine practitioners by producing and distributing high quality, freely available educational resources.
To do so, we have brought together two popular emergency medicine websites: BoringEM, with a focus on basic medical content for emergency medicine learners, and Frontdoor2Healthcare, a forum to discuss important issues facing Canadian healthcare from the perspective of emergency physicians at the “Front Door.” We have done our best to preserve the features that made these websites unique while providing an opportunity to expand under its banner. Our complete origin story and an outline of our organization structure that is inspired by a virtual community of practice has been published in Academic Emergency Medicine: Education and Training.

The BoringEM editorial and review processes have been retained so that you can be confident that the information that you read on CanadiEM is trustworthy. Content from learners (medical students and residents) will be published under the BoringEM banner after undergoing a thorough vetting process.

The CanadiEM website will hosts content from emergency medicine clinical and educational leaders. Canadian physicians, research, and content will be featured prominently.

Frontdoor2Healthcare provides editorial and commentary on issues affecting Canadian healthcare from the emergency department’s “front door” perspective. It allows the diverse opinions and perspectives of emergency physicians from across the country to be shared openly.