Tiny Tips: Seizures and STATUS EPILEPsy

In Tiny Tips by Teresa Chan1 Comment

Seizure is a common presenting complaint in the Emergency Department.  According to one study seizure related presentations amount to about 1% of all ED visits. In that same study, status epilepticus accounted for around 6% of those patients presenting with seizures  And that was in 2000. Since then, then the definition of status epilepticus has changed.  In 2008, the Neurocritical Care Society introduced a new definition for Status Epilepticus. Status Epilepticus is now defined as: 5 minutes …

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Tweeting and Medicine: Counterpoint from a new Twitterer

In Counterpoint, Knowledge Translation by Teresa Chan3 Comments

By Teresa Chan, MD    |    Peer-reviewed by Brent Thoma, MD Dr. Christopher Labos (@drlabos) has confessed his hate for Twitter.  I would like to confess that I have fallen in love with it. Once again I find myself with a contrary opinion – I think tweeting and medicine go hand in hand – and thus, I have published my second BoringEM.org Counterpoint (see the first one here). Twitter is the Message The great Canadian Media …

Not Dumber, but Different? Counterpoint from a Millennial

In Counterpoint, Opinion by Teresa Chan18 Comments

This evening I read the article Dumber Doctors on the blog Glass Hospital and just had to respond. John Schumann concludes his article stating: One concern that has a ring of truth to it is that young doctors have become great “looker-uppers,” and have lost the sense of what it’s like to actually read and study medicine. While doctors enter the profession with a commitment to lifelong learning, some of us fear that …