Healthcare Costs of War.

In Featured by Edmund KwokLeave a Comment

Ever wonder how much a country spends on healthcare as a result of going to war? It is not just the costs associated with the actual wartime period. Rather, they extend much longer beyond – and at an exponential rate that may surprise you. The folks at MBA Healthcare Management have put together an interesting infographic to highlight just how much the U.S. (which is already the world’s greatest healthcare spender by a …

Should patients be accountable for their own health (-care costs)?

In Editorial by Edmund Kwok2 Comments

Free healthcare. That is the shining star of our nation’s healthcare system. In any international discussion or comparison of our system, Canadians pride themselves on the fact that access to essential health services is not prohibited by an individual’s ability to pay. Taxes collected from those who are financially better off, are redistributed to cover healthcare costs of the whole community, regardless of how old, how poor, how unfortunate, or how sick someone …