Those of you that are on twitter may have noticed a flurry of tweets with the hashtag #EMConf. This initiative (that is best outlined by Nikita Joshi of ALiEM here) has the noble goal of sharing pearls from the academic sessions (variably called “Conference” “Academic half-day” “Didactics” etc depending on the state/country/continent) of EM residency programs with the world. If you’ve been tuning in you may have had the opportunity to catch tweets …
CAEP13: A BoringEM Review
I just returned from a marathon week at CAEP13 (the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Annual Conference). While it was my 5th consecutive year of attendance, it was the first time that medical social media was on the radar with a twitter hashtag designated and presentations by at least one FOAMite (Ken Milne). I was excited to see how this would affect the conference as compared to the previous 4 CAEP’s that I …
CAEP13 and Social Media
The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) will be holding its annual conference from June 1st-5th in Vancouver. As far as I know, CAEP13 will be the first Canadian emergency conference that has put effort into establishing a social media presence. CAEP_docs has promised some live-tweets and the #CAEP13 hash-tag has been set up with However, I think the success or failure of CAEP’s first venture into the world of social media will …