New Year, New Stuff.

In Uncategorized by Edmund KwokLeave a Comment

Happy New Year! 2013 has gone by in a flash, filled with many interesting healthcare related stories and discussions. As a quick recap, this blog has published articles on topics ranging from ER wait times (see our most popular post of the year here) and mandatory flu shots for healthcare workers, to opinions on TV shows about nurses and how physicians should dress. While the majority of readers were from Canada, the United …

Advice for New Medical Bloggers

In Mentorship by Brent Thoma1 Comment

If you follow BoringEM you may have noticed that there has not been as much new content lately. While I plan to continue writing and occasionally hosting content from other Canadian writers, the frequency of my posts on this site will be decreasing to ~1 per month.  After 70,000 hits in less than 9 months, I continue to be astounded by the support that BoringEM has received. More important than the randomness of internet …