Last year I had developed some problems in my right leg, which had hindered much of its mobility and had consequently led to cutting back the activities that brought me joy and kept me in good health. Sometimes within the field of health, there is not too much that can be done, and accommodating an illness or pain can be challenging. In moments of discomfort, we can turn to the things that ease our souls and thus offer a way of healing. I truly believe that all forms of arts provide a beautiful healing to all kinds of ailments. Dancing has always been a positive outlet of expression for me, and its through those motions that I portray emotions and tell stories. This recent clip shows me dancing to a song by Maître Gims, a French artist, who sings about letting go of pains that hold you back. Through my expression of dance I have worked on regaining my mobility and am working towards better well being. In moments where we turn to artistic outlets to overcome or ease illness, pain or discomfort, we come to better understand and value the beautiful connection between art and healing.