Grow Tharshika

In medicine, we heal. We work relentlessly, administering medication, performing surgical interventions, and, literally, mending broken hearts. Often, the wards of a hospital can appear dreary, swarming with exhausted healthcare practitioners and suffering patients. However, there is so much beauty in it all – so much potential for growth for everyone involved. Finding a moment to capture that realization is something I believe every healthcare provider should seek to do. A moment that justifies the everyday struggle. A moment that exemplifies progress. A moment who’s power withstands the test of time. A moment that will forever remain ingrained in the minds of those who choose to devote their lives to the art of medicine. A moment to be remembered.


Tharshika Thangarasa

Tharshika Thangarasa

I am currently a sister, daughter, friend, artist, writer and third year medical student at the University of Ottawa.
Tharshika Thangarasa

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