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Next Generation Improvement Part 2: QI Frameworks – Quality Improvement vs. Systems Thinking

In HiQuiPs by Jocelyn PriceLeave a Comment

You are the nurse manager of an emergency department at a small community hospital in rural Ontario. You recently helped facilitate the creation of a group of healthcare professionals to focus on improving patient flow within the emergency department, something that your hospital has noted to be a longstanding issue. The team is meeting for the first time tonight to discuss approaches to improving ED flow. You decide to take some time to …

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Next Generation Improvement Part 1: A Call for the Strategic Deployment of Improvement Modalities

In HiQuiPs by Matthew Hacker TeperLeave a Comment

Quality Improvement (QI) is in the middle of a “market surge”. Over the last few years, we have seen QI move from being a fad to having an established presence in academia, hospital operations, and science.  A plot of Pubmed articles with the search criteria “quality improvement” OR “QI” yield a very flat slope between 1948 and 2009 (Figure 1).  Since then, there has been a notable increase, going from 3200 articles to …

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Dress for Success: A Guide to Dressing Choices for Common Wounds in the Emergency Department

In Clinical Questions by Ali KhorramiLeave a Comment

During your Emergency Medicine (EM) rotation, you’ve encountered numerous lacerations and have honed your suturing skills. Following the primary closure of your most recent laceration, your supervising physician has requested that you apply an appropriate dressing and provide wound care instructions, as the nursing staff are preoccupied with attending to other patients. You look at the Wound Product Information Sheet and are surprised by the variety of dressings available in the Emergency Department …

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HiQuiPs: Building Quality & Safety Infrastructure

In HiQuiPs by Sarah TosoniLeave a Comment

You’ve completed a Quality Improvement (QI) project and you’re thinking about how you might align your efforts with those of your colleagues to build a community of practice that can prioritize, support, and deliver a comprehensive program of high-quality Q&S work. But where to start? What are the crucial steps and antecedents for success in building a robust Quality & Safety (Q&S) infrastructure? Welcome to this HiQuiPs post that offers a roadmap on …

HiQuiPs: Resource Issues in the Emergency Department

In HiQuiPs by Shirley LeeLeave a Comment

Emergency departments are busy and are getting busier1, 2. Emergency physicians are faced with issues of overcrowding, departmental closures, and insufficient staffing. These issues are exacerbated by both the Covid pandemic3 and pressures found in the post-Covid “return to normal”4. Physicians are still expected to provide safe medical care in the face of these challenges. But what does that look like when your emergency department lacks appropriate resources? And how can physicians minimize …

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HiQuiPs: Optimizing your diagnostic reasoning – themes from CMPA medico-legal cases

In HiQuiPs by Shirley LeeLeave a Comment

A 49-year-old male presents to the emergency department with shortness of breath on exertion and left lower chest discomfort for the past 3 days. His past medical history is significant for hypertension and he has a family history of heart disease. At triage he is noted to have a pulse of 117 and normal blood pressure. His oxygenation is 94% on room air. His cardiac and respiratory exam are normal, and no other …