Lucas is a 26 year old male who presents to the ED by his parents for bizarre behaviour and increasing aggression at home. He has a history of IV drug use but is not forthcoming about which drugs he has used and how recently he has used them. There are two hospital security employees behind him. He is frequently looking behind and around him, and appears dishevelled and unkempt. Lucas appears quite anxious …
PoCUS Previews 03: Intro to the FAST Scan
Welcome back to PoCUS Previews, your illustrated guide to the world of Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS)! In the hands of a skilled sonographer, PoCUS can serve as a valuable tool while assessing a patient in trauma. PoCUS can quickly and fairly accurately detect blood loss and signal the presence of internal organ damage. Thus, the Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) scan is one of the most celebrated uses of PoCUS …
A Study on Behalf of the CCEDRRN: Trends in COVID-19 ED management and outcomes, wave-by-wave.
In 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) presented the largest public health crisis inover a century. Healthcare workers had to learn how to treat and manage patients withCOVID-2019 without overwhelming health systems. They were faced with both evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment recommendations. Simultaneously, public healthinterventions aimed to reduce transmission in the population and protect those mostvulnerable. In this evolving context, we wanted to know whether clinicians were able toadapt their clinical practice. We also …
PoCUS Previews 02: Intro to Image Generation
Welcome back to PoCUS Previews, your illustrated guide to the world of Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS)! This month’s infographic will focus on image and probe orientation, different probe movements that can be used to generate these images, and some common artifacts (or abnormal alterations in ultrasound images). Ultrasound images can be challenging to interpret when we consider their dynamic nature and varying conventions that surround them. This infographic breaks down the orientation …
The CCEDRRN COVID Mortality Score
Emergency Departments see critically ill patients with COVID-19. Families and care providers often have to make immediate management decisions about whether or not to intubate hypoxic patients. That decision has substantial downstream implications for patients and the health system. For patients a course of mechanical ventilation is commonly prolonged (average 13 days), and fraught with long-term sequelae, and often does not prevent death. Intubation takes patients’ ability to eat, speak and communicate with …
PoCUS Previews 01: Intro to PoCUS
Welcome to PoCUS Previews; CanadiEM’s newest infographic series! Ultrasound (US) is an imaging modality that uses high frequency soundwaves and their reflection to produce real time images of various structures within the human body. In Emergency Medicine, small portable US machines can be used to gain an abundance of clinical insight that can ultimately aid in diagnosis. However, generating and interpreting these images can be quite challenging. PoCUS Previews aims to simplify Point …