HiQuiPs: Dashboards Demystified Part 1 – Problem Identification

In HiQuiPs by Vinyas HarishLeave a Comment

You are working in an inner city emergency department (ED) and you notice that there are 10 patients who are waiting for their COVID-19 test results. You know that these patients are all experiencing homelessness but you have no idea if they were all exposed at one place, what symptoms they’re experiencing, and how best to inform your local public health department. You create a spreadsheet to start keeping track of these details …

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HiQuiPs: Using dashboards to supercharge clinical care and quality improvement

In HiQuiPs by Vinyas HarishLeave a Comment

Odds are in your favourite sci-fi movie or TV show, a character spends time looking at a dashboard to determine their next course of action. However, dashboards are not limited to sci-fi! Many organizations across sectors make daily use of dashboards to run smoothly and work towards their goals. St. Michael’s Hospital of Unity Health Toronto has designed, developed, and ultimately deployed dashboards to solve real-world problems. Examples include supporting community partners by …

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HiQuiPs: Engaging Residents in QIPS – Current and Future Perspectives

In HiQuiPs by Fadi BahodiLeave a Comment

Welcome to this HiQuiPs post on Quality Improvement in Residency Education where we will review the current status of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) education in postgraduate medical education and strategies to effectively engage trainees in QIPS. CanMEDS and QIPS In 2015, the updated CanMEDs framework broadened accreditation standards for residency programs across Canada.​1​ As part of the CanMEDS roles, competencies in QIPS methodologies have been highlighted in each of the six …

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HiQuiPs: Managing Crises – What’s going on behind the scenes?

In HiQuiPs by Tiffany TseLeave a Comment

You are on-call – covering medicine and ICU admissions – while overseeing 20 admitted patients. Your wards are at capacity. You receive 3 new admissions from the ED, but you still have to move 2 sick patients to the ICU. You also have to prepare 3 discharges for the next morning. You wonder how you can best deal with the situation and help your patients. Where do you begin? How do you prioritize …

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HiQuiPs: Design Thinking in Quality Improvement

In HiQuiPs by Lucas ChartierLeave a Comment

Is your team about to embark on a new Quality Improvement (QI) project that involves patients but you’re not sure how to structure it? Are you looking for a meaningful and empathetic approach that champions the user perspective from start to finish and complements traditional QI methods? Design thinking has been gaining attention across a wide range of industries over the past several years, building a strong reputation for its emphasis on forging …

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HiQuiPs: How do we evaluate virtual care?

In HiQuiPs by Tiffany TseLeave a Comment

You are a resident coming in to see a patient who has come into the ED complaining of a new, sudden-onset, 9/10 pain headache. You run a CT scan and rule out any hemorrhage or stroke, referring them to the Stroke Prevention Clinic for a consultation. The patient asks if they can receive a virtual appointment for the future, as they live quite far away and would much prefer it. You wonder if …