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CAEP FEI | Human Trafficking Awareness: A Learning Module

In Featured, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Julianna DeutscherLeave a Comment

Jeremy is a second year resident who is about to see a 25 year old female presenting with abdominal pain. During the history he notices the patient is remarkably quiet and that the patient’s male friend is answering all the questions for her. When Jeremy asks the male friend to leave the room for a moment, both the patient and the friend object. Jeremy starts wondering if this patient might be a victim …

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CAEP FEI | The CanadiEM Digital Scholars Program

In Featured, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Fareen Zaver MDLeave a Comment

Amy is a third year emergency medicine resident who loves listening to podcasts when she runs. She realizes that she loves using a variety of digital media to enhance her learning. Amy wonders if there is a fellowship opportunity where she can become a leader in digital scholarship. One of her supervisors asks her if she has heard of the CanadiEM Digital Scholars Program.  With the advent of free open access medical education …

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CAEP FEI | Trauma Resuscitation Using In Situ Simulation Team Training (TRUST) Study

In Education & Quality Improvement, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Andrew PetrosoniakLeave a Comment

Rob is a fourth year resident who is just walking out of the resuscitation bay after working with the team on a 45 year old man hit by a car. His attending staff asks him to think about areas where the resuscitation could have been improved. As Rob reflects on the experience, he wishes that there was a way to better analyze these events and find areas for improvement.  Emergency medicine can often …

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CAEP FEI | The Nightmares Course at Queen’s University

In Education & Quality Improvement, Featured, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Andrew HallLeave a Comment

Lilly is a first year resident who is called by the floor nurse about an elderly gentleman who is “feeling unwell”. She walks into the room and notices he is wheezing and appears short of breath. Lilly starts feeling extremely anxious and is unsure of what she should do before rushing to find her staff. She wishes there was a course that would allow her to be exposed to these situations and become …

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CAEP FEI | Advanced Performance in Medicine™: 12 Conversations

In Featured, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Nadim LalaniLeave a Comment

Zara is a third year resident who walks out of the trauma bay after running an unsuccessful pediatric resuscitation. As she reflects on the experience, she feels as though she struggled with effectively communicating during the post-resuscitation de-brief.  Zara realizes that she struggles with balancing processing her own emotions while communicating with the team. She wishes she had someone who could coach her in ‘soft skills’ such as leadership, wellness and resilience. Emergency medicine …

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CAEP FEI | Ice Cream Rounds

In Featured, Featured Education Innovations (FEI) by Samantha Calder-SprackmanLeave a Comment

Mike is a first year resident who just experienced his first case of child abuse. Due to the pressures of the emergency department, he was unable to debrief about the case while on shift. Mike frequently relies on his co-residents to help him process and deal with these difficult cases, but knows others who don’t have that same support network. He wonders if there might be a better way for residents to support …