CAEP and CanadiEM are collaborating to help promote the Virtual CAEP Conference 2021!
Did you know Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) is hosting a virtual CAEP Conference in 2021?
CAEP at the Forks: Rising to the Challenge
When is it? June 15-17, 2021
Where is it? It’s virtual but its hosted by the organizers at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg in collaboration with educators from all over Canada.
How can I register? caepconference.ca #CAEP2021
The CAEP Conference 2021 Social Media and Promotions team consists of many members of the CanadiEM Leadership as well as some of the most well-known educators in the country. Our goal is to help CAEP promote their amazing annual conference and bring awareness to some of the highlights from the upcoming event.
Some of the promotional items coming at you:
- Pre and In-Conference Podcasts and Videocasts – highlighting our key plenaries, speakers, and providing quick summaries of each day’s events.
- Social Media updates will come regularly, highlighting some of the best from the conference.
- Infographic summaries and reviews of the day’s events and clinical, med-ed, research concepts/pearls.
- Newsletter updates using our various channels (CAEP Connects, CanadiEM Newsletter, etc.)
- More to come! If you have ideas, feel free to let us know!
Introducing the CAEP Conference Social Media / Promotions Committee Members:
Dr. Daniel Ting
Dr. Kevin Junghwan Dong
Dr. Ken Milne
Dr. Hans Rosenberg
Dr. Shahbaz Sayed
Dr. Fareen Zaver
Dr. Alkarim Velji
Dr. Sonja Wakeling
Dr. Patrick Boreskie
Evan Formosa
Feel free to contact any one of us for questions, comments, and innovative ideas!
What can you do now to prepare?
- Go to the caepconference.ca website and register for the conference.
- If you are not a CAEP member – get a membership! So many perks!
- Listen to this amazing promotional CAEPConference Podcast #CAEP21
- Follow CAEPConference Twitter Account for regular updates pre and during the conference! @caepconference