The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) will be holding its annual conference from June 1st-5th in Vancouver.
As far as I know, CAEP13 will be the first Canadian emergency conference that has put effort into establishing a social media presence. CAEP_docs has promised some live-tweets and the #CAEP13 hash-tag has been set up with However, I think the success or failure of CAEP’s first venture into the world of social media will depend largely on how well it is received. The more people that engage, the more CAEP will consider social media a valuable component of their conference, and the more we’ll see of it in the future.
And so:
I would like to call on the Canadian EMCC FOAMites that will be attending CAEP13 to help get it on the social media map! I hope this post is only one of the many FOAM mentions there will be about the conference and that all of the tweeters present contribute live-tweets from their presentations. Personally, I will be live-tweeting primarily on behalf of ALIEM‘s new conference handle, ALIEMconf (Thanks to Michelle Lin et al for the opportunity). If you are not following it yet, you should! Read more about maximizing conferences by using twitter in this great post by Nikita Joshi.
Also, I think it would be awesome if all of the SM-engaged medical students, residents and emergency physicians at the conference were to meet up. SM should make it easy to organize something spontaneous if there is interest. If you’d be up for meeting let me know in the comments, on twitter, or find me at the conference. I know Ken Milne (The SGEM), Nadim Lalani (ERMentor), Chris Bond (SOCMOB) and Eve Purdy (Manu et Corde) are all attending and up for it, so we have a start.
Regardless of whether or not an informal gathering happens, if you read my blog I’d like to meet you. Please come say hi!