This year Bob Stuntz published a study in Annals of EM1 which showed that, while Free Open Access Medical education (FOAM) content was doing a great job of covering certain ‘sexy’ topics, it has not covered less exciting areas as well. This is not surprising given FOAM’s crowd-sourced nature, but we wonder if there isn’t a better way.
This question led us to propose a study to determine whether a social media based needs assessment can be used to identify the needs of the FOAM community in a specific area – thrombosis and bleeding! To make this successful we need to solicit your opinions on what needs to be covered in this area. Once we know, we’ll develop awesome resources to address the specific needs. If successful, we hope to expand this idea to create resources for other needs of the FOAM community.
Participants will need to complete a short survey entered into a draw for one of four $250 (Canadian currency) gift cards! Please complete the survey and share it (along with the infographic above) on your social media accounts.
Click here to complete the needs assessment