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Teaching That Counts: Crisis Resource Management in Medical Simulation

In Featured by Krista DowhosLeave a Comment

This is part of the CanadiEM Teaching That Counts Infographic Series, where we take the current research and evidence on how to teach well in the emergency department, and distill it down into bite-sized chunks that are rapidly digestible and memorable. We all know that Crisis Resource Management (CRM) is an important skill. When done well, it enhances team performance, reduces medical error, and improves patient safety. But like many other non-technical skills, …

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Teaching That Counts: Tips on Receiving Feedback

In Education & Quality Improvement, Featured, Infographics by Krista Dowhos1 Comment

This is part of the CanadiEM Teaching That Counts Infographic Series, where we take the current research and evidence on how to teach well in the emergency department and distill it down into bite-sized chunks that are rapidly digestible and memorable. Teaching That Counts: Tips on Receiving Feedback Do you ever have difficulty receiving feedback from learners? Is receiving feedback as a teacher something you actively avoid? Do you find feedback challenging to …