Paramedics roll in with an agitated young man, “John”. He is combative, rambling, sweaty and scared. The crew mention they found needles and a bag containing a crystalline white substance in his pockets: methamphetamine. Right away, you start thinking about your initial approach to a patient with excited delirium. In the room, four security guards are needed to restrain him. On inspection, you observe no signs of head trauma, and symmetrical movement of …
Queen’s Gambit Case Report: Pediatric Benzodiazepine Overdose
Patient Presentation Beth Harmon is a 9-year-old female who presented to the ED from the Methuen Home, an orphanage, after a witnessed ingestion of “green pills” or Xanzolam. As reported by Headmistress Helen Deardorff, she swallowed at least a handful of the drug after stealing it from the orphanage’s pill jar. She then lost consciousness and fell off the chair she was standing on, dropping and shattering the pill jar. We are unable …
Hydroxychloroquine & Chloroquine Toxicity Review
View PostCase Report: Toxin-Induced Cardiac Arrest in Game of Thrones
King Joffrey I Baratheon was found in respiratory distress by his mother, Cersei Lannister, and Jaime Lannister during his wedding to Margaery Tyrell. As this was the wedding for the King of the Seven Kingdoms, numerous guests and bystanders were present. The patient was eating a traditional pigeon pie and drinking from a glass of wine poured by Tyrion Lannister immediately prior to developing symptoms of dry mouth, severe cough, and shortness of …